
My research focuses on the development of human sex differences in social and cognitive behavior; Hormonal influences on typical and atypical behavior across the lifespan; Reproductive endocrinology and behavior.

selected publications
Academic Articles63
  • Alexander, G. M., John, K., Hammond, T., & Lahey, J. (2020). Living Up to a Name: Gender Role Behavior Varies With Forename Gender Typicality.. Frontiers in Psychology. 11, 604848.
  • Alexander, G. M. (2017). Sex Differences in Visual Pathways: A Comment on Handa and McGivern (2015).. Current Eye Research. 42(4), 653-654.
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  • Alexander, G. M., Hawkins, L. B., Wilcox, T., & Hirshkowitz, A. (2016). Infants Prefer Female Body Phenotypes; Infant Girls Prefer They Have an Hourglass Shape.. Frontiers in Psychology. 7(JUN), 804.
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  • Saenz, J., Yaugher, A., & Alexander, G. M. (2015). Sleep in infancy predicts gender specific social-emotional problems in toddlers.. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 3, 42.
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  • Yaugher, A. C., & Alexander, G. M. (2015). Internalizing and externalizing traits predict changes in sleep efficiency in emerging adulthood: an actigraphy study.. Frontiers in Psychology. 6(OCT), 1495.
  • Alexander, G. M. (1999). Androgens and Behavior in Men. Wang, C. (Eds.), Male Reproductive Function. 191-205. Springer Nature.
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  • Alexander, G. M. (1996). Androgens and cognitive function. Bhasin, S., Gabelnick, H. L., Spieler, J. M., Swerdloff, R. S., Wang, C., & Kelly, C. (Eds.), Pharmacology, Biology, and Clinical Applications of Androgens Current Status and Future Prospects. 169-178. JOhn Wiley & Sons.
Conference Papers2
  • Evardone, M., & Alexander, G. M (2005). Testing a prenatal androgen hypothesis of anxiety vulnerability.. Hormones and Behavior. 48(1), 99-99.
  • Evardone, M., Alexander, G. M., & Morey, L. C. (2005). Testing a sex steroid hypothesis for borderline personality disorder.. Hormones and Behavior. 48(1), 99-99.
open teaching materials
chaired theses and dissertations
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mailing address
Texas A&M University; Psychology; 4235 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-4235