Zinko, Robert individual record
TEES Researcher at TAMU-Central Texas

Dr. Zinko is an Associate Professor of Management in the College of Business Administration at TAMU-Central Texas.

He holds PhDs in both management and also marketing. Additionally he has a Juris Doctorate. His research and teaching interests range from electronic marketing to social influence.

selected publications
Academic Articles35
  • Brown, C. T., Zinko, R., Ngamassi, L., Ndembe, E., & Furner, C. (2024). Barriers to intention to adopt telemedicine: The interplay between exposure, trust, and convenience.. Health Marketing Quarterly. ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-23.
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  • Furner, C. P., Drake, J. R., Zinko, R., & Kisling, E. (2022). Online Review Antecedents of Trust, Purchase, and Recommendation Intention: A Simulation-Based Experiment for Hotels and AirBnBs. Journal of Internet Commerce. 21(1), 79-103.
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  • Zinko, R., Furner, C. P., de Burgh-Woodman, H., Johnson, P., & Sluhan, A. (2021). The Addition of Images to eWOM in the Travel Industry: An Examination of Hotels, Cruise Ships and Fast Food Reviews. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research. 16(3), 525-541.
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  • Zinko, R., de Burgh-Woodman, H., Furner, Z. Z., & Kim, S. J. (2021). Seeing is Believing: The Effects of Images on Trust and Purchase Intent in eWOM for Hedonic and Utilitarian Products. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing: the international journal of information user management. 33(2), 85-104.
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  • Furner, C. P., Yoon, T. E., Zinko, R., & Goh, S. H. (2021). The Influence of Reviewer and Consumer Congruence in Online Word-of-Mouth Transactions. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations: the international journal of electronic commerce in modern organizations. 19(3), 1-15.
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  • Yoon, T. E., Goh, S. H., Zinko, R., & Furner, C. P. (2020). The Effects of Culture and Data Collection Mode on Socially Desirable Distortion and Confidentiality Concerns in Survey Research. Efosa C. Idemudia. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Social and Organizational Dynamics in the Digital Era. 22-42. IGI Global.
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  • Furner, C. P., Racherla, P., Babb, J., & Zinko, R. (2018). Mobile Application Stickiness. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D. (Eds.), Advances in E-Business Research. 114-138. IGI Global.
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  • Zinko Robert, .., Ferris Gerald R., .., Blass Fred R., .., & Dana Laird Mary. (2007). Toward a Theory of Reputation in Organizations. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management. Joseph J. Martocchio. (Eds.), Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management. 163-204. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
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