Scialdone, Michael
individual record
Clinical Associate Professor
- Clinical Associate Professor, Information and Operations Management, Mays Business School
My research looks at how specific characteristics of technologies (which some might refer to as features, affordances, or constraints) impact communication, interaction, and other behaviors between actors across business, educational, and social contexts. Additional academic interests include Information Systems pedagogy, and Human-Computer Interaction research and evaluative methods.
education and training
- Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology, Syracuse University - (Syracuse, New York, United States) 2014
- M.S. in Information Design and Technology, State University of New York - (Albany, New York, United States) 2011
- B.A. in Communication Arts, Utica College - (Utica, New York, United States) 1999
selected publications
Academic Articles6
- Gomillion, D., Becker, A., George, J., & Scialdone, M. (2020). Learning How to Teach: The Case for Faculty Learning Communities. Information Systems Education Journal. 18(4), 74-79.
- Scialdone, M. J., & Connolly, A. J. (2020). How to Teach Information Systems Students to Design Better User Interfaces through Paper Prototyping. Journal of Information Systems Education. 31(3), 179-186.
- Scialdone, M. (2010). Establishing Best Practices for Scholarly Research Based on the Tenets of Human-Computer Interaction. Association for Information Systems Transactions on Human Computer Interaction. 2(4), 141-150.
- Zhang, P., Li, N. a., Scialdone, M., & Carey, J. (2009). The Intellectual Advancement of Human-Computer Interaction Research: A Critical Assessment of the MIS Literature (1990-2008). Association for Information Systems Transactions on Human Computer Interaction. 1(3), 55-107.
- Snyder, J., Heckman, R., & Scialdone, M. J (2009). Information Studios: Integrating Arts-Based Learning into the Education of Information Professionals. 60, 19231932-19231932.
Conference Papers2
- Gomillion, D., George, J., Becker, A., & Scialdone, M. (2019). Cognitive Apprenticeship: Teaching Students How to Think Like an Expert. EDSIG Conference on Information Systems and Computing Education. 5,
- Gomillion, D., Becker, A., George, J., & Scialdone, M. (2019). Learning How to Teach: The Case for Faculty Learning Communities. EDSIG Conference. 5,
recent teaching activities
- ISTM210 Hnr-fund Of Info Systems Instructor
- ISTM320 Bus Systems Anly & Desn Instructor
- ISTM380 Human Computer Interaction Instructor
- ISTM489 Sptp: Design And Report Info Instructor
- ISTM489 Sptp:human-comp Interactions Instructor
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