Castillo, Marco
individual record
- Professor, Economics, College of Arts and Sciences
education and training
- Ph.D. in Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin - Madison - (Madison, Wisconsin, United States) 2001
- B.Sc. in Economics, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru - (Lima, Peru) 1991
selected publications
Academic Articles34
- Castillo, M., Petrie, R., & Wardell, C. (2023). Barriers to charitable giving. Journal of Public Economics. 224, 104945-104945.
- Castillo, M., & Freer, M. (2023). A general revealed preference test for quasilinear preferences: theory and experiments. Experimental Economics. 1-24.
- Castillo, M., & Dickinson, D. L. (2022). Sleep restriction increases coordination failure. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 200(13242), 358-370.
- Castillo, M., & Petrie, R. (2020). Bargaining in the field. Handbook of Experimental Game Theory. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Castillo, M., & Carter, M. R. Coping with Disaster: Morals, Markets, and Mutual Insurance Using Economic Experiments to Study Recovery from Hurricane Mitch. The Social Economics of Poverty: On Identities, Communities, Groups and Networks.
researcher on
Principal Investigator1
recent teaching activities
- ECON440 Experimental Economics Instructor
- ECON449 Economics Of Decision Instructor
- ECON656 Field Experiments In Econ Instructor
- ECON659 Behavioral Game Theory Instructor
- ECON684 Professional Internship: In-ab Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations
- Odunowo, Mofioluwasademi Ayobami (2020-03). Essays in Applied Microeconomics. (Doctoral Dissertation)
First Name
Last Name
mailing address
Texas A&M University; Economics; 4228 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-4228