Sword, Gregory individual record

I've been very fortunate to have studied many things in many places with many people. Much of my research to date has focused on the biology and ecology of grasshoppers, locusts and Mormon crickets. More recently, I've been given the chance to expand my research program to problems in cotton entomology. It's a pretty unique opportunity, and I am happy to say that the lab is up and running on multiple fronts. Although the emphasis has shifted to cotton research, locust biology and anything else that strikes an interest continues to be fair game in the lab.

education and training
selected publications
Academic Articles130
  • Weinburd, J., Landsberg, J., Kravtsova, A., Lam, S., Sharma, T., Simpson, S. J., Sword, G. A., & Buhl, C. (2024). Anisotropic interaction and motion states of locusts in a hopper band.. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 291(2015), 20232121.
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  • Perkin, L. C., Hamons, K. L., Suh, C., & Sword, G. A. (2023). ARTHROPOD MANAGEMENT & APPLIED ECOLOGY Amplicon Sequencing of Plant Material Links Cotton Fleahopper to Host Plants. Journal of Cotton Science. 27(1), 43-51.
  • Cullen, D. A., Sword, G. A., Rosenthal, G. G., Simpson, S. J., Dekempeneer, E., Hertog, M., ... Vanden Broeck, J. (2022). Sexual repurposing of juvenile aposematism in locusts.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119(34), e2200759119.
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  • Rivera-Vega, L. J., Zhou, W., Buchman, L. W., Valencia, C. U., Jack, A., Castillo Lopez, D., & Sword, G. A. (2022). Plant-associated fungi affect above- and belowground pest responses to soybean plants.. 133(2), 422-435.
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  • Snchez-Reyes, U. J., Jones, R. W., Raszick, T. J., Ruiz-Arce, R., & Sword, G. A. (2022). Potential Distribution of Wild Host Plants of the Boll Weevil (Anthonomus grandis) in the United States and Mexico.. Insects. 13(4), 337-337.
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  • Berthier, K., Chapuis, M., Simpson, S. J., Ferenz, H., Kane, C., Kang, L. e., ... Sword, G. A. (2010). Laboratory Populations as a Resource for Understanding the Relationship Between Genotypes and Phenotypes. Elsevier.
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  • Cullen, D. A., Cease, A. J., Latchininsky, A. V., Ayali, A., Berry, K., Buhl, J., ... Rogers, S. M. (2017). From Molecules to Management: Mechanisms and Consequences of Locust Phase Polyphenism. Advances in Insect Physiology. INSECT EPIGENETICS. 167-285. Elsevier.
  • Berthier, K., Chapuis, M., Simpson, S. J., Ferenz, H., Kane, C., Kang, L. e., ... Sword, G. A. (2010). Laboratory Populations as a Resource for Understanding the Relationship Between Genotypes and Phenotypes: A Global Case Study in Locusts. Advances in Insect Physiology. ADVANCES IN INSECT PHYSIOLOGY, VOL 39. 1-37.
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Conference Papers1
Repository Documents / Preprints2
  • Weinburd, J., Landsberg, J., Kravtsova, A., Lam, S., Sharma, T., Simpson, S. J., Sword, G. A., & Buhl, J. Anisotropic Interaction and Motion States of Locusts in a Hopper Band.
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  • Bachler, A., Padovan, A., Anderson, C. J., Wei, Y., Wu, Y., Pearce, S., ... Walsh, T. K. Identification of a novel resistance gene which provides insight into Vip3Aa mode of action in Helicoverpa armigera.
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in the news
chaired theses and dissertations
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mailing address
Texas A&M University; Entomology; 2475 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-2475