Kim, Yong Joe
individual record
Associate Professor
- Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
Our current research is focused on the areas of acoustics, signal processing, vibration, dynamics, and biomechanics.
education and training
- Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University - (West Lafayette, Indiana, United States) 2003
- M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - (Daejeon, South Korea) 1997
- B.E. in Mechanical Design and Production Engineering, Chung-Ang University - (Seoul, South Korea) 1994
selected publications
Academic Articles30
- Wang, H., Liu, Z., Shin, D. M., Chen, Z. G., Cho, Y., Kim, Y., & Han, A. (2019). A continuous-flow acoustofluidic cytometer for single-cell mechanotyping.. Lab on a Chip. 19(3), 387-393.
- Wang, H., Liu, Z., Shin, D. M., Chen, Z. G., Cho, Y., Kim, Y., & Han, A. (2018). Single-cell compressibility quantification for assessing metastatic potential of cancer cells through multi-frequency acoustophoresis. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. 22(6), 68.
- Liu, Z., Kim, Y., Wang, H., & Han, A. (2016). Effects of fluid medium flow and spatial temperature variation on acoustophoretic motion of microparticles in microfluidic channels.. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 139(1), 332-349.
- Han, J., & Kim, Y. (2015). Time-frequency beamforming for nondestructive evaluations of plate using ultrasonic Lamb wave. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 54-55, 336-356.
- Han, J., Kim, Y., & Karkoub, M. (2014). Wave propagation modeling of fluid-filled pipes using hybrid analytical/two-dimensional finite element method. Wave Motion. 51(7), 1193-1208.
Conference Papers31
- Lee, K., Yigit, S., Han, A., Kim, D., & Kim, Y. J. (2017). Experimental validation of theoretical method for prediction of acoustic streaming around a resonantly-excited cancer cell. 2017-January,
- Jiang, S., Karkoub, M., & Kim, Y. J. (2016). High-Resolution Ultrasonic NDE Imaging Method with Virtually Expanded Circumferential Aperture in Small-Diameter Cylindrical Oil/Gas Pipes. 174-183.
- Hwang, S., Lee, M., Ih, K. D., Kang, J., Kim, Y., & Kim, Y. J. (2016). Microphone array measurement based contribution analysis of aeroacoustic noise sources to interior noise of automobile. Proceedings - National Conference on Noise Control Engineering. 290-297.
- Hwang, S., Lee, M., Ih, K. D., White, E. B., & Kim, Y. J. (2016). Experimental Contribution Analysis of External Aeroacoustic Noise Components to Interior Noise of Simplified, Scaled Automobile Model in Wind Tunnel. 149-156.
- Liu, Z., & Kim, Y. J. (2015). Acoustic streaming around a spherical microparticle/cell under ultrasonic wave excitation.
- Hwang, S., Lee, M., Ih, K. D., & Kim, Y. (2023). Experimental contribution analysis of external noise components to interior noise of an automobile1).
researcher on
Principal Investigator1
recent teaching activities
- MEEN357 Engr Analysis For Mech Instructor
- MEEN363 Dynamics And Vibrations Instructor
- MEEN404 Engineering Laboratory Instructor
- MEEN459 Sound & Vibration Measur Instructor
- MEEN485 Directed Studies Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations
- Liu, Zhongzheng (2016-08). Acoustophoresis of Microparticles and Cells in Microfluidic Devices. (Doctoral Dissertation)
- Ye, Nan (2014-07). Noise Reduction of Centrifugal Compressors using Array of Quarter Wavelength Resonators. (Master's Thesis)
- Han, Je Heon (2013-07). Investigation on Wave Propagation Characteristics in Plates and Pipes for Identification of Structural Defect Locations. (Doctoral Dissertation)
- Silva, Ramon Alejandro (2013-04). Numerical Simulation and Laboratory Testing of Time-Frequency MUSIC Beamforming for Identifying Continuous and Impulsive Ground Targets from a Mobile Aerial Platform. (Master's Thesis)
First Name
Yong Joe
Last Name
mailing address
Texas A&M University; Mechanical Engineering; 3123 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3123