Pappa, Valentini individual record
Manager of the Graduate Office

Agro-environmental science, carbon sequestration, water and energy management, climate change focusing on greenhouse gas measurements and mitigation in agricultural systems. Dr. Pappa makes significant contributions in the environmental sector by combining existing knowledge to improve methodologies and data analysis; and examining crops under different farming systems. Dr. Pappa also focuses on how efficient and integrated management of energy, food and water resources can help address several of the biggest global challenges, such as climate change, economic, environmental and social security, developing an overview of the current integration of energy, food and water. She explores how innovative approaches such as a circular economy may address future challenges.

selected publications
Academic Articles17
  • Pinkerton, T. C., Assi, A. T., Pappa, V. A., Kan, E., & Mohtar, R. H. (2021). IMPACT OF DAIRY WASTEWATER IRRIGATION AND MANURE APPLICATION ON SOIL STRUCTURAL AND WATER-HOLDING PROPERTIES. Transactions of the ASABE. 64(3), 857-868.
  • Hansen, S., Frseth, R. B., Stenberg, M., Stalenga, J., Olesen, J. E., Krauss, M., ... Watson, C. A. (2019). Reviews and syntheses: Review of causes and sources of N2O emissions and NO3 leaching from organic arable crop rotations. Biogeosciences. 16(14), 2795-2819.
  • Ntatsi, G., Karkanis, A., Yfantopoulos, D., Pappa, V., Konosonoka, I. H., Travlos, I., ... Savvas, D. (2019). Evaluation of the field performance, nitrogen fixation efficiency and competitive ability of pea landraces grown under organic and conventional farming systems. Archives for Agronomy and Soil Science. 65(3), 294-307.
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  • Scalise, A., Pappa, V. A., Gelsomino, A., & Rees, R. M. (2017). Pea cultivar and wheat residues affect carbon/nitrogen dynamics in pea-triticale intercropping: A microcosms approach.. Science of the Total Environment. 592, 436-450.
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  • Cayuela, M. L., Aguilera, E., Sanz-Cobena, A., Adams, D. C., Abalos, D., Barton, L., ... Lassaletta, L. (2017). Direct nitrous oxide emissions in Mediterranean climate cropping systems: Emission factors based on a meta-analysis of available measurement data. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 238, 25-35.
  • Baratsas, S. G., Masoud, N., Pappa, V. A., Pistikopoulos, E. N., & Avraamidou, S. (2021). Towards a Circular Economy Calculator for Measuring the “Circularity” of Companies. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 31st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. 1547-1552. Elsevier.
  • Baddeley, J. A., Pappa, V. A., Pristeri, A., Bergkvist, G., Monti, M., Reckling, M., Schlfke, N., & Watson, C. A. (2017). Legume-based green manure crops.. Legumes in cropping systems. 125-138. CABI Publishing.
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  • Williams, M., Pappa, V. A., & Rees, R. (2017). Nitrogen and Phosphorus Losses from Legume-supported Cropping. LEGUMES IN CROPPING SYSTEMS. 37-54. CABI Publishing.
Conference Papers2
  • Savvas, D., Pappa, V. A., Yfantopoulos, D., Karkanis, A., Travlos, I., Bebeli, P. J., Ntatsi, G., & Bilalis, D. (2017). Impact of organic practices on growth, yield, and greenhouse gas emissions by pea landraces. Acta Horticulturae. 1164(1164), 77-84.
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