Rijnkels, Monique
individual record
Research Associate Professor
- Research Associate Professor, Veterinary Integrative Biosciences, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
We are studying transcriptional regulation and the genomics of the mammary gland and the role of epigenetic events during mammary gland development and lactation. We use various genomics approaches to mammary gland biology and my laboratory has been using ChIP-seq, DNase-seq, ATAC-seq and other epigenomic approaches to determine chromosomal states at different developmental time points to determine the role of epigenetic regulation in mammary gland development and understand gene regulation in the mammary gland in general. We use transgenic mouse models to study gene regulation in mammary gland development and lactation.
education and training
- Baylor College of Medicine - (Houston, Texas, United States), Postdoctoral Training 2001
- Ph.D. in Medical Biotechnology, Leiden University - (Leiden, Netherlands) 1997
- M.S. in Biochemistry, Leiden University - (Leiden, Netherlands) 1988
selected publications
Academic Articles44
- Wall, S. W., Sanchez, L., Tuttle, K. S., Pearson, S. J., Soma, S., Wyatt, G. L., ... Porter, W. W. Noncanonical role of singleminded-2s in mitochondrial respiratory chain formation in breast cancer.. Experimental and Molecular Medicine. 55(5), 1046-1063.
- Maningat, P. D., Sen, P., Rijnkels, M., Sunehag, A. L., Hadsell, D. L., Bray, M., & Haymond, M. W. Gene expression in the human mammary epithelium during lactation: the milk fat globule transcriptome.. Physiological Genomics. 37(1), 12-22.
- Maningat, P. D., Sen, P., Rijnkels, M., Hadsell, D. L., Bray, M. S., & Haymond, M. W. Short-term administration of rhGH increases markers of cellular proliferation but not milk protein gene expression in normal lactating women.. Physiological Genomics. 43(8), 381-391.
- Rijnkels, M., Elnitski, L., Miller, W., & Rosen, J. M. Multispecies comparative analysis of a mammalian-specific genomic domain encoding secretory proteins.. Genomics. 82(4), 417-432.
- Rijnkels, M., Freeman-Zadrowski, C., Hernandez, J., Potluri, V., Wang, L., Li, W., & Lemay, D. G. Epigenetic modifications unlock the milk protein gene loci during mouse mammary gland development and differentiation.. PLoS ONE. 8(1), e53270-e53270.
- Rijnkels, M., & Pieper, F. R. Casein Gene-Based Mammary Gland-Specific Transgene Expression. Mammary Gland Transgenesis. 41-64. Springer Nature.
Repository Documents / Preprints1
- Beiki, H., Murdoch, B. M., Park, C. A., Kern, C., Kontechy, D., Becker, G., ... Reecy, J. M. Functional genomics of cattle through integration of multi-omics data.
researcher on
Principal Investigator1
Co-Principal Investigator1
recent teaching activities
- BIMS491 Hnr-research Instructor
- BIMS491 Research Instructor
- BIOT685 Directed Studies Instructor
- VIBS485 Directed Studies Instructor
- VIBS650 Educ Vet Med Bio Envir Instructor
First Name
Last Name
mailing address
Texas A&M University; Veterinary Integrative Biosciences; 4458 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-4458
Research Areas: