My research interests include cloud/edge computing, wireless networks, and reinforcement learning.
education and training
- Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - (Urbana, Illinois, United States) 2011
- M.S. in Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - (Urbana, Illinois, United States) 2008
- B.S. in Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University - (Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan) 2004
selected publications
Academic Articles27
- Hou, I., Liu, Y., & Sprintson, A. (2013). A Non-Monetary Protocol for Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution in Wireless Broadcast Networks with Network Coding. abs/1212.0286, 170-177.
- Jain, A., & Hou, I. R-PF: Enhancing Service Regularity for Legacy Scheduling Policy. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 15(1), 258-266.
- Shisher, K. C., Ji, B. o., Hou, I., & Sun, Y. Learning and Communications Co-Design for Remote Inference Systems: Feature Length Selection and Transmission Scheduling. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory. 4, 524-538.
- Deng, H., & Hou, I. On the Capacity-Performance Trade-Off of Online Policy in Delayed Mobile Offloading. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 16(1), 526-537.
- Zuo, S., Hou, I., Liu, T., Swami, A., & Basu, P. Joint Rate Control and Scheduling for Real-Time Wireless Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 16(7), 4562-4570.
- Barijough, K. M., Huang, L., Hou, I., Sapatnekar, S. S., Hu, J., & Gerstlauer, A. Exploiting Approximations in Real-Time Scheduling. Approximate Computing Techniques. 287-322. Springer Nature.
- Hou, J. C., Yau, D., Ma, C., Yang, Y., Zhang, H., Hou, I., Rao, N., & Shankar, M. Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks. Misra, S. C., Woungang, I., & Misra, S. (Eds.), Guide to Wireless Sensor Networks. 47-79. Springer Nature.
Conference Papers55
- Zhao, T., Ray, K., & Hou, I. (2017). A Non-Monetary Mechanism for Optimal Rate Control Through Efficient Delay Allocation. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 26(3), 1418-1431.
- Hou, I., & Kumar, P. R. Broadcasting delay-constrained traffic over unreliable wireless links with network coding. Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing. 1-10.
- Hou, I., Anh, T., Chakraborty, S., & Kumar, P. R. Optimality of Periodwise Static Priority Policies in Real-time Communications. Proceedings of the ... IEEE Conference on Decision & Control / IEEE Control Systems Society. IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference. 5047-5051.
- Hou, I., & Kumar, P. R. Utility-optimal scheduling in time-varying wireless networks with delay constraints. Proceedings of the eleventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing. 31-40.
- Deng, H., & Hou, I. Online Job Allocation with Hard Allocation Ratio Requirement. IEEE Infocom. Proceedings, IEEE INFOCOM 2016 - The 35th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications. 2016-July, 1-9.
Repository Documents / Preprints2
- Fan, S., & Hou, I. Second-Order Analysis of CSMA Protocols for Age-of-Information Minimization.
- Nakhleh, K., Ganji, S., Hsieh, P., Hou, I., & Shakkottai, S. NeurWIN: Neural Whittle Index Network For Restless Bandits Via Deep RL.
researcher on
Principal Investigator5
- Towards Provably Timely and Reliable Battlefield Networks awarded by DOD-Army-Army Research Office 2015 - 2019
Co-Principal Investigator2
- EAGER: Cybermanufacturing: Pervasive Cyber-enabled Manufacturing awarded by National Science Foundation 2015 - 2018
awards and honors
recent teaching activities
- CSCE678 Distributed Sys & Cloud Comp Instructor
- ECEN248 Intro To Dgtl Sym Dsgn Instructor
- ECEN424 Fund Of Networking Instructor
- ECEN449 Microprocsr Sys Dsgn Instructor
- ECEN491 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations
- Lin, Victor Hamilton (2018-12). PULS on WARP Platform - Detailed Investigation of Real-Time Scheduling Performance. (Master's Thesis)
- Yang, Yue (2018-11). A New Design of Q-CHAIN on WIMAC: A Throughput-Optimal Random Access MAC Protocol with Piggyback Transmissions. (Master's Thesis)
- Yenamachintala, Sai Sourabh (2018-11). FPGA Spiking Neural Processors With Supervised and Unsupervised Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity. (Master's Thesis)
- Wu, Di (2018-11). Structured Sparsity Learning for Coevolution-Based Protein Contact Prediction. (Master's Thesis)
- Hsieh, Ping-Chun (2018-06). Network Algorithms for Control and Communication for IoT Applications. (Doctoral Dissertation)
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Last Name
mailing address
Texas A&M University; Electrical Engineering; 3128 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3128