Keiper, Paul individual record
Clinical Associate Professor
education and training
selected publications
Academic Articles4
  • Zimmer, W. K., & Keiper, P. (2021). Redesigning curriculum at the higher education level: challenges and successes within a sport management program. Educational Action Research. 29(2), 276-291.
  • Bennett, G., Keiper, P., & Dixon, M. (2020). Why Can't We All Just Get Along? The Conflict between School and Club Sports in the United States. Quest. 72(1), 85-101.
  • Keiper, P., & Kreider, R. B (2014). Developing and Sustaining Online and Distance Education Programs in Health and Kinesiology. Kinesiology review (Champaign, Ill.). 3(4), 217-220.
  • Cunningham, G. B., Keiper, P. E., Sagas, M., & Ashley, F. B. (2001). Initial reliability of the coaching isomorphism questionnaire for NCAA coaches.. Psychological Reports. 88(2), 332-334.
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  • Swayne, L., & Dodds, M. (2011). Centralization versus Decentralization of Authority. Swayne, L. E., & Dodds, M. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sports Management and Marketing. Sage Publications.
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  • Swayne, L., & Dodds, M. (2011). Employee Development. Swayne, L. E., & Dodds, M. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sports Management and Marketing. Sage Publications.
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  • Swayne, L., & Dodds, M. (2011). Structure and Strategy. Swayne, L. E., & Dodds, M. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sports Management and Marketing. Sage Publications.
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chaired theses and dissertations
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mailing address
Texas A&M University; Health And Kinesiology; 4243 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-4243