Mishra, Jayshree individual record
Research Assistant Professor

Role of drug transporter proteins in colonic mucosal innate immunity.

Post-translational modification of drug transporter proteins and its role in Multidrug resistance.

Biomarker development for colon cancer

Drug discovery for the treatment of breast cancer metastasis

education and training
selected publications
Academic Articles24
  • Kumar, N., Surani, S., Udeani, G., Mathew, S., John, S., Sajan, S., & Mishra, J. (2021). Drug-induced liver injury and prospect of cytokine based therapy; A focus on IL-2 based therapies.. LIFE SCIENCES. 278, 119544-119544.
  • Kumar, N., Kuang, L., Villa, R., Kumar, P., & Mishra, J. (2021). Mucosal Epithelial Jak Kinases in Health and Diseases.. Mediators of Inflammation. 2021, 6618924-17.
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  • Mishra, J., Simonsen, R., & Kumar, N. (2019). Intestinal breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) requires Janus kinase 3 activity for drug efflux and barrier functions in obesity.. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 294(48), 18337-18348.
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  • Parashar, D., Geethadevi, A., Aure, M. R., Mishra, J., George, J., Chen, C., ... Chaluvally-Raghavan, P. (2019). miRNA551b-3p Activates an Oncostatin Signaling Module for the Progression of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.. Cell Reports. 29(13), 4389-4406.e10.
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  • Mishra, J., Das, J. K., & Kumar, N. (2017). Janus kinase 3 regulates adherens junctions and epithelial mesenchymal transition through -catenin.. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 292(40), 16406-16419.
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  • Mishra, J., & Kumar, N. (2015). Structure and Function of Jak3- SH2 Domain. SH Domains. 209-227. Springer Nature.
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Conference Papers6
  • Kumar, N., Amin, K., & Mishra, J. (2020). Identification of Molecular Switch Regulating Intestinal Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP) Mediated Drug Efflux in Obesity. American Journal of Pathology. 190(12), S13-S13.
  • Kumar, N., Mishra, J., Alpini, G., Ludovica, C., Kyritsi, .., Konstantina, .., ... Heather, F. (2020). Role of Jak3 in hepatic inflammation during ulcerative colitis. The FASEB Journal. 34(S1), 1-1.
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  • Kumar, N., Mishra, J., & Kumar, P. (2017). Chronic Low-grade Inflammation in Obesity and Diabetes associated Colorectal Cancer Development. The FASEB Journal. 31,
  • Mishra, J., Verma, R. K., Yang, X., & Kumar, N. (2016). Role of Janus-Kinase 3 in Lung Inflammation. The FASEB Journal. 30,
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