Ezell, Margaret
individual record
Distinguished Professor
- John and Sara Lindsey Chair, College of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University
- Distinguished Professor, English, College of Arts and Sciences
My interests are late seventeenth and early eighteenth-century literary culture; early modern women writers; history of authorship, reading and handwritten culture; early modern social media and multi-modal literacy
education and training
- Ph.D. in English Literature (History), University of Cambridge - (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 1981
- B.A. in Honors in English and History, Wellesley College - (Wellesley, Massachusetts, United States) 1977
selected publications
Academic Articles26
- Ezell, M. (2021). Invisible Women, 1983-2021 INTRODUCTION. Huntington Library Quarterly: studies in English and American history and literature. 84(1), 5-12.
- Ezell, M., & Jung, S. (2020). Lively EffigiesMemorial Ephemera. Eighteenth-Century Life. 44(2), 136-157.
- Ezell, M. (2018). Multimodal literacies, late seventeenth-century English illustrated broadsheets, and graphic narratives. Eighteenth-Century Studies. 51(3), 357-373.
- Ezell, M. (2017). Big books, big data, and reading literary histories. Eighteenth-Century Life. 41(3), 3-19.
- Ezell, M. (2015). The Times Displayed: Late Seventeenth-Century English Commemorative Broadsheets and Media Hybridity. Yearbook of English Studies. 45, 12-34.
- Ezell, M. (2017). The Oxford English Literary History Volume V: 1645-1714: the Later Seventeenth Century. Oxford University Press.
- Ezell, M. (2017). The Oxford English Literary History: Volume V: 16451714: The Later Seventeenth Century: Companion Volume. Oxford University Press.
- Ezell, M. (2016). Bathsua Makin and Mary More, with a Reply to More by Robert Whitehall Educating English Daughters: Late Seventeenth-Century Debates. ACMRS Publications.
- Killigrew, A., & Ezell, M. (2013). "My Rare Wit Killing Sin" Poems of a Restoration Courtier. Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies.
- Ezell, M. (2023). Recovery. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Early Modern Women's Writing. 1-9. Springer Nature.
- Ezell, M. (2022). Manuscript and Print: Which Is More Important for Understanding Womens Writing in the Early Modern Period?. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Early Modern Women's Writing. 1-10. Springer Nature.
- Ezell, M. (2022). Recovery. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Early Modern Women's Writing. 1-9. Springer Nature.
- Ezell, M. (2022). Teaching the Modesty Trope Early Modern Women's Texts in a Twenty-First-Century Classroom. FEMINIST FORMALISM AND EARLY MODERN WOMEN'S WRITING. 219-231.
- Ezell, M. (2021). The Ignorant Reader: Imagining Vernacular Literacies in Seventeenth-Century England. Habent sua fata libelli. 431-445. Brill Academic Publishers.
- Ezell, M. (2020). The Value of Time in Early Modern English Literature. Renaissance Quarterly. 73(4), 1466-1467.
- Ezell, M. (2014). The Poetics and Politics of Youth in Milton's England. Milton Quarterly. 48(2), 119-122.
editor of
awards and honors
- Fellowship conferred by Royal Historical Society - (London, United Kingdom) - awarded for contributions to historical scholarship 2019
recent teaching activities
- ENGL203 Hnr-writing About Literature Instructor
- ENGL203 Writing About Literature Instructor
- ENGL212 Shakespeare Instructor
- ENGL231 Survey Of English Lit I Instructor
- ENGL315 17th Century Literature Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations
- Ozment, Kate Elizabeth (2018-03). The Author and the Agent: Women's Writing and Commercial Publishing in Early Modern England. (Doctoral Dissertation)
- Moore, Shawn William (2017-05). Experimenting with Cavendish: The Heuretics of Social Literacy in the Writing of the Thrice Noble Princess, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle. (Doctoral Dissertation)
- Dezort, Steven Michael (2017-05). The Character of John Locke in the Eighteenth Century. (Master's Thesis)
- Bose, Soham (2015-08). Doing Time: The Black Experience of Prisons in Are Prisons Obsolete?. (Master's Thesis)
- Parker, Meghan Lee (2013-04). Writing Their Way In: The Dedicatory Epistles of Early Modern English Women Authors. (Doctoral Dissertation)
First Name
Last Name
mailing address
Texas A&M University; English; 4227 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-4227