
My research focuses on metamorphic petrology and geochemistry; the characterization of metamorphism in the earth's crust and mantle including temperatures, pressures and, in particular, fluid compositions and movements. This research includes fieldwork, petrography, microprobe analyses, fluid calculations over a wide range of pressures and temperatures, fluid inclusion work and stable isotopic analyses. Recent research includes the production and microthermometric examination of synthetic fluid inclusions. Additional interests include crustal genesis, Precambrian geology, economic geology, and metasomatic transport of crustal materials.

selected publications
Academic Articles35
  • Prakash, A., Holyoke, C. W., Kelemen, P. B., Kirby, S. H., Kronenberg, A. K., & Lamb, W. M. (2023). Carbonates and intermediate-depth seismicity: Stable and unstable shear in altered subducting plates and overlying mantle.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120(21), e2219076120.
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  • Chrpa, M. E., Raymond, A., Lamb, W. M., & Laya, J. (2023). A marine origin of coal balls in the Midland and Illinois basins, USA. Communications Earth and Environment. 4(1), 214.
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  • Newman, J., Chatzaras, V., Tikoff, B., Wijbrans, J. R., Lamb, W. M., & Drury, M. R. (2021). Strain Localization at Constant Strain Rate and Changing Stress Conditions: Implications for Plate Boundary Processes in the Upper Mantle. Minerals. 11(12), 1351-1351.
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  • Kilgore, M. L., Peslier, A. H., Brandon, A. D., & Lamb, W. M. (2018). Water and Oxygen Fugacity in the Lithospheric Mantle Wedge beneath the Northern Canadian Cordillera (Alligator Lake). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 19(10), 3844-3869.
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  • Jugum, D., Stewart, E., Palin, J. M., Mortimer, N., Norris, R. J., & Lamb, W. M. (2019). Correlations between a heterogeneous mantle and multiple stages of crustal growth: a review of the Dun Mountain ophiolite, New Zealand. Memoirs. PALEOZOIC-MESOZOIC GEOLOGY OF SOUTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND: SUBDUCTION-RELATED PROCESSES ADJACENT TO SE GONDWANA. 75-92. Geological Society of London.
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  • Stewart, E., Newman, J., Tikoff, B., Donnelly, S., German, L., Chatzaras, V., ... Kruckenberg, S. C. (2019). Coupled deformation and melt-migration events recording subduction initiation, Dun Mountain ophiolite, New Zealand. Memoirs. PALEOZOIC-MESOZOIC GEOLOGY OF SOUTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND: SUBDUCTION-RELATED PROCESSES ADJACENT TO SE GONDWANA. 93-117. Geological Society of London.
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Conference Papers1
  • Newman, J., Stewart, E. D., Tikoff, B., Miller, B., Lamb, W. M., & German, L. (2017). MANTLE DEFORMATION RECORDING SUBDUCTION INITIATION, RED HILLS, NEW ZEALAND. GSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, USA - 2017.
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chaired theses and dissertations
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Texas A&M University; Geology; 3115 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3115