My research group is active in the development of streamline technology and its applications to reservoir management and optimization, multi-scale data integration and history matching, upscaling/upgridding, and more recently, performance analysis and optimization of unconventional wells.
education and training
- Ph.D. in Physics, Syracuse University - (Syracuse, New York, United States) 1980
- M.S. in Physics, Syracuse University - (Syracuse, New York, United States) 1977
- B.S. in Physics and Mathematics, Cooper Union - (New York, New York, United States) 1976
selected publications
Academic Articles52
- Li, C., & King, M. (2023). Impact of heterogeneity upon the accuracy of the Eikonal solution using the Fast Marching Method. Computational Geosciences. 27(3), 465-484.
- Liu, C., Nunna, K., & King, M. J. (2022). Application of diffuse source basis functions for improved near well upscaling. 26(4), 823-846.
- Zuo, L., Lim, J., Chen, R., Chen, H., Shamekhi, A., & King, M. J. (2021). Continuous streamline trajectories on complex grids. Computational Geosciences. 25(5), 1539-1563.
- Li, C., Wang, Z., & King, M. J. (2021). Transient drainage volume characterization and flow simulation in reservoir models using the fast marching method. 25(5), 1647-1666.
- Nunna, K., Liu, C., & King, M. J. (2020). Application of diffuse source functions for improved flow upscaling. 24(2), 493-507.
- Datta-Gupta, A., & King, M. J. (2007). Streamline simulation theory and practice. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Conference Papers54
- Nunna, K., Liu, C., & King, M. J. (2018). Application of diffuse source basis functions to multiscale simulation.
- Deng, L., & King, M. J. (2018). Theoretical Investigation of Water Blocking in Unconventional Reservoirs Due to Spontaneous Imbibition and Water Adsorption. Proceedings of the 6th Unconventional Resources Technology Conference.
- Hetz, G., Kim, H., Datta-Gupta, A., King, M. J., Przybysz-Jarnut, J. K., Lopez, J. L., & Vasco, D. (2017). History Matching of Frequent Seismic Surveys Using Seismic Onset Times at the Peace River Field, Canada. Day 3 Wed, October 11, 2017.
- Yang, C., King, M. J., & Datta-Gupta, A. (2017). Rapid Simulation of Naturally Fractured Unconventional Reservoirs with Unstructured Grids Using the Fast Marching Method. Day 1 Mon, February 20, 2017. 424-444.
- Nunna, K., & King, M. J. (2017). Dynamic downscaling and upscaling in high contrast systems. 1677-1702.
- King, M., Datta-gupta, A., & Zhang, Y. (2017). Determining performance data for hydrocarbon reservoirs using diffusive time of flight as the spatial coordinate.
awards and honors
recent teaching activities
- ICPE602 Reservoir Characterization Instructor
- ITDE684 Professional Internship Instructor
- ITDE684 Professional Internship: In-ab Instructor
- ITDE684 Professional Internship:in-ab Instructor
- ITDE691 Research Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations
- Li, Chen (2018-11). Application of the Fast Marching Method to Reservoir Characterization and Pressure Transient Analysis in Structured and Corner Point Grid Geometries. (Doctoral Dissertation)
- Iino, Atsushi (2018-11). Efficient History Matching and Optimization of Unconventional Reservoirs Using the Fast Marching Method. (Doctoral Dissertation)
- Ebin, Joshua Prince (2018-08). Coupled Fluid Flow and Geomechanical Modeling of Induced Seismicity. (Master's Thesis)
- Wang, Zhenzhen (2018-08). Asymptotic Solutions to the Diffusivity Equation: Validation and Field Applications. (Doctoral Dissertation)
- Huang, Jixiang (2017-05). Analysis of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation and Well Performance using Geomechanical Models and Fast Marching Method. (Doctoral Dissertation)
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mailing address
Texas A&M University; Petroleum Engineering; 3116 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3116