
My research focuses on plasticity of metals and polymers; thermomechanics of dissipative processes, dislocation dynamics, Cosserat continua, design and dynamics of compliant mechanisms.

selected publications
Academic Articles125
  • Rao, A., & Srinivasa, A. R. (2019). A thermodynamic driving force approach for analyzing functional degradation of shape memory alloy components. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 26(18), 1543-1555.
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  • Roy, S., & Srinivasa, A. (2018). SESPrager special issue of MAMS honoring Professor J.N. Reddy as recipient of the Prager Medal. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 25(14), 1169-1170.
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  • Arbind, A., Srinivasa, A. R., & Reddy, J. N. (2018). A Higher-Order Theory for Open and Closed Curved Rods and Tubes Using a Novel Curvilinear Cylindrical Coordinate System. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME. 85(9), 091006.
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  • El-Amri, I., Iquebal, A. S., Srinivasa, A., & Bukkapatnam, S. (2018). Localized magnetic fluid finishing of freeform surfaces using electropermanent magnets and magnetic concentration. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 34, 802-808.
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  • Mei, Y., Stover, B., Kazerooni, N. A., Srinivasa, A., Hajhashemkhani, M., Hematiyan, M. R., & Goenezen, S. (2018). A comparative study of two constitutive models within an inverse approach to determine the spatial stiffness distribution in soft materials. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 140, 446-454.
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  • Rao, A., Srinivasa, A. R., & Reddy, J. N. (2015). Preface.
Conference Papers29
  • Ko, W., Srinivasa, A., & Kumar, P. R. (2017). A Multi-Component Automated Laser-Origami System for Cyber-Manufacturing. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 272(1), 012013-012013.
  • Kim, N., McVay, M. T., & Srinivasa, A. (2017). Impact of Classroom Demonstrations and Surveys on Higher-level Learning. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. 2017-June,
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  • Erel, V., Berry, J. L., Srinivasa, A., & Creasy, T. S. (2016). TOWARD MATERIAL PARAMETERS FOR MODELING DEVICES MADE FROM AN EPDXY-BASED SHAPE MEMORY POLYMER. Volume 1: Development and Characterization of Multifunctional Materials; Mechanics and Behavior of Active Materials; Modeling, Simulation and Control of Adaptive Systems. 1, v001t01a018-v001t01a018.
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  • Kalyva, A. E., Vagia, E. C., Konstandopoulos, A. G., Srinivasa, A. R., T-Raissi, A., Muradov, N., & Kakosimos, K. E. (2016). Investigation of the thermochemical steps of the hybrid photothermal sulfur-ammonia water splitting cycle. 791-793.
  • Muradov, N., T-Raissi, A., Kakosimos, K. E., Qin, N., & Srinivasa, A. (2016). Solar hybrid water-splitting cycle with thermal energy storage as integral part of the cycle. 1013-1015.
chaired theses and dissertations
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Texas A&M University; Mechanical Engineering; 3123 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-4251