Alnuweiri, Hussein
individual record
- Maersk Oil Qatar Professor in STEM Leadership, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Qatar), Texas A&M University at Qatar
Areas of specific interest include advanced computing structures, application-specific parallel and multi-processing architectures, configurable computing, high-speed digital design, parallel and distributed algorithms, wireless and sensor networks, scheduling theory, traffic engineering, and quality-of-service mechanisms in wired and wireless networks.
education and training
- Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Southern California - (Los Angeles, California, United States) 1989
selected publications
Academic Articles106
- Jami, A., Razzaghpour, M., Alnuweiri, H., & Fallah, Y. P. (2023). Augmented driver behavior models for high-fidelity simulation study of crash detection algorithms. IET Intelligent Transport Systems.
- Beraldi, R., Alnuweiri, H., & Mtibaa, A. (2020). A Power-of-Two Choices Based Algorithm for Fog Computing. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 8(3), 698-709.
- Omri, A., Shaqfeh, M., Ali, A., & Alnuweiri, H. (2019). Synchronization Procedure in 5G NR Systems. IEEE Access. 7, 41286-41295.
- Hafez, M., El Shafie, A., Shaqfeh, M., Khattab, T., Alnuweiri, H., & Arslan, H. (2018). Thresholds Optimization for One-Bit Feedback Multi-User Scheduling. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 7(4), 646-649.
- Seddik, K. G., Gohary, R. H., Hussien, M. T., Shaqfeh, M., Alnuweiri, H., & Yanikomeroglu, H. (2017). Multi-Resolution Multicasting Over the Grassmann and Stiefel Manifolds. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 16(8), 5296-5310.
- Alnuweiri, H. M., & Casselman, S. (1999). Configurable Computing. Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Wiley.
Conference Papers185
- Singla, R., Reddy, A., Bettati, R., & Alnuweiri, H. (2021). Connect Id: Identifying Devices Before They Connect to the Network. 2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). 00, 421-426.
- Omri, A., Shaqfeh, M., Mansouri, M., & Alnuweiri, H. (2019). Performance Analysis of 5G NR Synchronization Procedure with Imperfect Channel State Information. 2019 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). 313-317.
- Omri, A., Shaqfeh, M., Mansouri, M., Al-Qahtani, F. S., & Alnuweiri, H. (2019). Performance Analysis of D2D-Enabled 5G NR Networks. 2019 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). 306-312.
- Beraldi, R., & Alnuweiri, H. (2019). Exploiting power-of-choices for load balancing in fog computing. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fog Computing (ICFC). 00, 80-86.
- Beraldi, R., & Alnuweiri, H. (2019). Distributed Fair Randomized (DFR): a Resource Sharing Protocol for Fog Providers. 2019 Fourth International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC). 29-36.
Repository Documents / Preprints7
- Jami, A., Razzaghpour, M., Alnuweiri, H., & Fallah, Y. P. (2022). Augmented Driver Behavior Models for High-Fidelity Simulation Study of Crash Detection Algorithms.
- Hafez, M., Shafie, A. E., Shaqfeh, M., Khattab, T., Alnuweiri, H., & Arslan, H. (2017). Thresholds Optimization for One-Bit Feedback Multi-User Scheduling.
- Ng, D., Shaqfeh, M., Schober, R., & Alnuweiri, H. (2014). Robust Layered Transmission in Secure MISO Multiuser Unicast Cognitive Radio Systems.
- Ng, D., Schober, R., & Alnuweiri, H. (2013). Power Efficient MISO Beamforming for Secure Layered Transmission.
- Ng, D., Schober, R., & Alnuweiri, H. (2013). Secure Layered Transmission in Multicast Systems with Wireless Information and Power Transfer.
in the news
researcher on
Principal Investigator4
recent teaching activities
- ECEN210 Comp Prog & Algorithms Instructor
- ECEN214 Elec Circuit Theory Instructor
- ECEN248 Intro To Dgtl Sym Dsgn Instructor
- ECEN350 Computer Arch & Design Instructor
- ECEN399 High Impact Prof Development Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations
- Zheng, Zhiyuan (2017-12). Protecting Cyber-Physical Systems with Special Emphasis on Building Automation Networks. (Doctoral Dissertation)
- Qaraqe, Marwa (2012-10). Uplink Multiuser Scheduling Techniques for Spectrum Sharing Systems. (Master's Thesis)
First Name
Last Name
mailing address
Texas A&M University; Qatar Campus; 4251 TAMUQ
College Station, TX 77843-4251