Smith, Jack
individual record
- Professor and Director, Center For Biomedical Informatics
education and training
- Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science, The Ohio State University - (Columbus, Ohio, United States) 1986
- The Ohio State University - (Columbus, Ohio, United States), Postdoctoral Training 1985
- The Ohio State University - (Columbus, Ohio, United States), Medical Residency 1981
- M.S. in Computer and Information Science, The Ohio State University - (Columbus, Ohio, United States) 1980
- M.D. in Medicine, West Virginia University - (Morgantown, West Virginia, United States) 1977
- B.S. in Physics, Virginia Tech - (Blacksburg, Virginia, United States) 1973
selected publications
Academic Articles56
- Zozus, M. N., Pieper, C., Johnson, C. M., Johnson, T. R., Franklin, A., Smith, J., & Zhang, J. (2015). Factors Affecting Accuracy of Data Abstracted from Medical Records.. PLoS ONE. 10(10), e0138649-e0138649.
- Sun, Y., O'Reilly, R. C., Smith, J. W., & Wang, H. (2015). Reply to Aksentijevic: It is a matter of what is countable and how neurons learn.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112(25), E3160-e3160.
- Sun, Y., O'Reilly, R. C., Bhattacharyya, R., Smith, J. W., Liu, X., & Wang, H. (2015). Latent structure in random sequences drives neural learning toward a rational bias.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112(12), 3788-3792.
- Kulikowski, C. A., Shortliffe, E. H., Currie, L. M., Elkin, P. L., Hunter, L. E., Johnson, T. R., ... Williamson, J. J. (2012). AMIA Board white paper: definition of biomedical informatics and specification of core competencies for graduate education in the discipline.. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 19(6), 931-938.
- Stead, W. W., Searle, J. R., Fessler, H. E., Smith, J. W., & Shortliffe, E. H. (2011). Biomedical informatics: changing what physicians need to know and how they learn.. Academic Medicine. 86(4), 429-434.
- Guerlain, S., Smith, P. J., Smith, J. W., Rudmann, S., Obradovich, J. H., & Strohm, P. (2018). Automation and Human Performance. Automation and Human Performance: Theory and Applications. 385-406. Taylor & Francis.
Conference Papers28
- Iyengar, M. S., Svirbeiy, J. R., Rusu, M., & Smith, J. W. (2008). VITA - An interactive 3-D visualization system to enhance student understanding of mathematical concepts in medical decision-making. 2019 IEEE 32ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER-BASED MEDICAL SYSTEMS (CBMS), 2008 21st IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. 434-+.
- Mirhaji, P., Zhang, J., Srinivasan, A., Richesson, R. L., & Smith, J. W. (2004). Knowledge-based public health situation awareness. Proceedings of SPIE, Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense III. 5403(PART 1), 198-209.
- Mirhaji, P., Richesson, R. L., Turley, J. P., Zhang, J., & Smith, J. W. (2004). Public health situation awareness: toward a semantic approach. Proceedings of SPIE, Multisensor, Multisource Information Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications 2004. 5434, 339-350.
- Mirhaji, P., Zhang, J., Smith, J. W., Madjid, M., Casscells, S. W., & Lillibridge, S. R. (2003). Informatics critical to public health surveillance. Proceedings of SPIE, Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Defense and Law Enforcement II. 5071, 151-163.
- Kantor, G., Svirbely, J. R., Johnson, K., Sriram, M., Rodriguez, J. R., & Smith, J. (2001). MEDAL: The medical algorithm project. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 84, 298.
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Texas A&M Health Science Center; Microbial Pathogenesis And Immunology; 1114 TAMUS
College Station, TX 77840