selected publications
Academic Articles4
- Sarker, N. N., Kunze, O. R., & Strouboulis, T. (1996). Transient moisture gradients in rough rice mapped with finite element model and related to fissures after heated air drying. Transactions of the ASABE. 39(2), 625-631.
- SARKER, N. N., KUNZE, O. R., & STROUBOULIS, T. (1994). FINITE-ELEMENT SIMULATION OF ROUGH RICE DRYING. Drying Technology. 12(4), 761-775.
- SHARMA, A. D., KUNZE, O. R., & SARKER, N. N (1992). IMPACT DAMAGE ON ROUGH RICE. Transactions of the ASABE. 35(6), 1929-1934.
- BALA, B. K., SARKER, N. N., BASUNIA, M. A., & ALAM, M. M. (1990). SIMULATION OF TEMPERATURE-CHANGES DURING STORAGE OF WHEAT AND ROUGH RICE. Journal of Stored Products Research. 26(1), 1-6.
Conference Papers6
- Sarker, N. N. (2022). A Senior Level Laboratory Course in Computer Engineering Technology Program. 2006 GSW Proceedings.
- Sarker, N. N., Ketkar, M. A., & Akujuobi, C. M. (2022). CLOSING LOOP FOR CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT. 2010 GSW Proceedings.
- Sarker, N. N., & Ketkar, M. A. (2022). Multiple Assessments and Continuous Improvement of Engineering Technology Programs. 2006 GSW Proceedings.
- Sarker, N. N., Ketkar, M., & Akujuobi, C. M. (2011). Engineering Technology Course Assessments for ABET Criterion 3: Student Outcomes. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings.
- Sarker, N. N., Ketkar, M. A., & Akujuobi, C. M. (2009). On Instruments for Closing the Loop for ABET Accreditation. 2009 GSW Proceedings.
recent teaching activities
- ESET269 Embedded Sys Dev In C Instructor
- ESET349 Microcontroller Arch Instructor
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