
My scholarship explores the many conflicts at the intersection of property, land use, and environmental law and theory, with a particular focus on the Constitutional prohibition against the government's taking of private property "for public use, without just compensation."

selected publications
Academic Articles21
  • Mulvaney, T. M., & Singer, J. W. (2022). Essential Property. 107,
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  • Mulvaney, T. M. (2022). COMPULSORY TERMS IN PROPERTY. Northwestern University Law Review. 117(1), 191-224.
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  • Mulvaney, T. M., & Davidson, N. M. (2021). Takings Localism. Columbia law review. 121(2), 215-276.
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  • Mulvaney, T. M (2020). A WORLD OF DISTRUST. Columbia law review. 120, 153-177.
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  • Mulvaney, T. M. (2020). WALLING OUT: RULES AND STANDARDS IN THE BEACH ACCESS CONTEXT. Southern California law review. 94(1), 1-34.
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  • Mulvaney, T. M. (2014). Temporary Takings, More or Less. Abate, R. S. (Eds.), Climate Change Impacts on Ocean and Coastal Law: U.S. and International Perspectives. 461-477. Oxford University Press.
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Texas A&M University; Texas A&M University School of Law; 8500 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-8500