Blasingame, Thomas
individual record
- Faculty Affiliate, Energy Institute, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES), Division of Research
- Professor, Petroleum Engineering, College of Engineering
My current research efforts are directed towards well testing/analysis of reservoir performance, unconventional reservoirs (ultra-low permeability sands/shales), and field studies involving performance analysis of tight gas/shale gas reservoir systems.
education and training
- Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1989
- M.S. in Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1986
- B.S. in Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1984
selected publications
Academic Articles32
- Zhang, J., Moridis, G. J., & Blasingame, T. A. (2023). Effect of geomechanics and of grid discretization on the predictions of production from natural hydrate deposits and of the associated geomechanical system response. 112, 204942-204942.
- Wang, Q., Moridis, G. J., & Blasingame, T. A. (2023). Wavelet Transforms for the Simulation of Flow Processes in Porous Geologic Media. Transport in Porous Media. 146(3), 771-803.
- Zhang, J., Moridis, G. J., & Blasingame, T. A. (2022). Message Passing Interface (MPI) Parallelization of Iteratively Coupled Fluid Flow and Geomechanics Codes for the Simulation of System Behavior in Hydrate-Bearing Geologic Media. Part 1: Methodology and Validation. SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering. 25(03), 600-620.
- Zhang, J., Moridis, G. J., & Blasingame, T. A. (2022). Message Passing Interface (MPI) Parallelization of Iteratively Coupled Fluid Flow and Geomechanics Codes for the Simulation of System Behavior in Hydrate-Bearing Geologic Media. Part 2: Parallel Performance and Application. SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering. 25(03), 621-640.
- Zhang, J., Moridis, G. J., & Blasingame, T. A. (2022). Message Passing Interface (MPI) Parallelization of Iteratively Coupled Fluid Flow and Geomechanics Codes for the Simulation of System Behavior in Hydrate-Bearing Geologic Media. Part 2: Parallel Performance and Application. SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering. 25(3), 621-640.
Conference Papers170
- Zhang, J., Moridis, G. J., & Blasingame, T. A. (2022). Message Passing Interface (MPI) Parallelization of Iteratively Coupled Fluid Flow and Geomechanics Codes for the Simulation of System Behavior in Hydrate-Bearing Geologic Media. Part 1: Methodology and Validation. SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, Day 1 Tue, September 21, 2021. 25(3), 600-620.
- Fulford, D. S., Behmanesh, H., Clarkson, C. R., & Blasingame, T. A. (2022). On the Relationship between Gas-Oil Ratio and Well Performance for Unconventional Reservoirs. Proceedings of the 10th Unconventional Resources Technology Conference.
- Anno, K., Moridis, G. J., & Blasingame, T. A. (2021). JFTS+H: A Julia-Based Parallel Simulator for the Description of the Coupled flow, Thermal and Geochemical Processes in Hydrate-Bearing Geologic Media. Day 1 Tue, October 26, 2021.
- Moridis, N., Lee, W. J., Sim, W., & Blasingame, T. (2021). Gaussian Quadrature GQ Used to Accurately Approximate the Relative Weights of Reserves, Contingent Resources, and Prospective Resources Through A Cumulative Distribution Function. Day 2 Wed, September 22, 2021.
- Valdes-Perez, A., & Blasingame, T. A. (2021). Pressure-Transient Behavior of Double-Porosity Reservoirs with Transient Interporosity Transfer with Fractal Matrix Blocks. SPE Journal. 26(4), 2417-2439.
in the news
awards and honors
recent teaching activities
- PETE324 Well Testing Instructor
- PETE413 Natural Gas Engineering Instructor
- PETE612 Unconventional Oil Gas Instructor
- PETE613 Natural Gas Enginerng Instructor
- PETE617 Petro Reservoir Mgmt Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations
- Pradhan, Yogashri Umesh (2020-12). Drawdown Management Strategies: Midland Basin Case Studies. (Master's Thesis)
- Anantraksakul, Niwit (2020-04). Development and Application of a New Set of TDM-Based Semi-Analytical Solutions to the Problem of Pressure Interference in a Hydraulically-Fractured Reservoir. (Master's Thesis)
- Sarkar, Prakhar (2020-04). Investigation of the Effectiveness of Thermal EOR Processes in Tight Oil and Shale Oil Reservoirs. (Master's Thesis)
- Fulford, David Steven (2020-04). Use of Bayesian Probabilistic Graphical Models for Simultaneous Variable Rate / Variable Pressure-Drop Deconvolution of Single Well and Multi-Well Cases. (Master's Thesis)
First Name
Last Name
mailing address
Texas A&M University; Petroleum Engineering; 3116 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3116