
Bayesian nonparametrics, contingency tables, covariance estimation, factor models, Gaussian process regression, high-dimensional data, network data, shrinkage priors, tensor decompositions, variable selection

education and training
selected publications
Academic Articles15
  • Ray, P., Pati, D., & Bhattacharya, A. (2020). Efficient Bayesian shape-restricted function estimation with constrained Gaussian process priors. Statistics and Computing. 30(4), 839-853.
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  • Johndrow, J. E., Bhattacharya, A., & Dunson, D. B. (2017). TENSOR DECOMPOSITIONS AND SPARSE LOG-LINEAR MODELS.. 45(1), 1-38.
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  • Bhattacharya, A., Chakraborty, A., & Mallick, B. K. (2016). Fast sampling with Gaussian scale-mixture priors in high-dimensional regression.. Biometrika. 103(4), 985-991.
    doi badge pubmed badge online source badge
  • Zhou, J., Herring, A. H., Bhattacharya, A., Olshan, A. F., Dunson, D. B., & National Birth Defects Prevention Study (2016). Nonparametric Bayes modeling for case control studies with many predictors.. Biometrics. 72(1), 184-192.
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  • Bhattacharya, A., Dunson, D. B., Pati, D., & Pillai, N. S. (2016). Sub-optimality of some continuous shrinkage priors. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 126(12), 3828-3842.
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Conference Papers1
  • Chowdhury, A. S., Bhattacharya, A., Bhandarkar, S. M., Datta, G. S., Yu, J. C., & Figueroa, R. (2007). Hairline Fracture Detection using MRF and Gibbs Sampling. Proceedings / IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, 2007 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WAC V '07). 1-6.
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chaired theses and dissertations
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mailing address
Texas A&M University; Department Of Statistics; 3143 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3143