Profile Information
Faculty profiles are generated using a variety of data sources. We have worked to create the first version of your profile and continue to explore additional data sources to enhance your profile. We request your participation to update your profile and improve its accuracy.
This Scholars@TAMU website contains material—text information, publication citations, links, and images—provided by Texas A&M University and by various third parties, both individuals and organizations, commercial and otherwise. To the extent copyrightable, the information presented on the VIVO website and available as Resource Description Framework (RDF) data from VIVO at Texas A&M University is intended for public use and is freely distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0 license which allows you to copy, distribute, display and make derivatives of this information provided you give credit to Texas A&M University. Any non-copyrightable information is available to you under a CC0 waiver. However, source documents, images or web pages attached to or linked from VIVO may contain copyrighted information and should only be used or distributed under terms included with each source or in accordance with the principles of fair use.
- Using the profile editor, faculty can manually update some information in their public profiles and request additional changes.
- Faculty will receive email reminders occasionally to update their profiles with new information.
- Faculty profile data is automatically updated once a week.
Data Sources
- TAMU Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Faculty names, departments, positions, and emails ( more info).
- TAMU campus directory: Contact information, including addresses and phone numbers.
- Departments: Information about educational backgrounds, photos, and research overviews. These are extracted from department websites and faculty CVs.
- Symplectic Elements: Faculty publications. Symplectic Elements is a tool for automatically identifying publications and harvesting metadata. Faculty have the opportunity to confirm, add, and remove publications in their profiles.
- OAKTrust institutional repository: Open Access faculty publications, teaching materials, grey literature, as well as and theses and dissertations where faculty acted as an academic advisor.
- Compass (Texas A&M University’s student information system): Courses taught. Scholars@TAMU will only include courses taught in the past two years.
How do I update?
- Click the Update Profile button at the top right of any Scholars@TAMU page.
- Log in with your NetID and password.
- In the profile editor, you can manually change information including: displayed name and title, profile photo, affiliated departments, research overview, educational background, contact information, and website URL.
- Requests can also be submitted in the Additional Information Changes box. Write here for changes to publication, teaching, and advising information.
- Once you click Submit changes will take effect immediately for displayed name, affiliated departments, research overview, contact information, and website URL. Other changes and requests will be reviewed within 48 hours.
Tutorials: How to Update
- How to submit a request to add a Publication to your profile
- How to submit a request to add a Patent to your profile
- How to submit a request to add a Software to your profile
- How to add a Grant to your profile
- How to add an Award to your profile
- How to add a News Article to your profile
- How to add a Course to your profile
- How to submit a request to add Student Works to your profile
- How to add a Twitter Feed in your profile
- How to add a YouTube Video to your profile
- How to add an UN SDG tag to your article
Issues with Profile
If you have any concerns or questions, please contact Scholars@TAMU team.
Who to Contact
- Project information and presentations: : James Creel
- Profile page questions and concerns: Ethel Mejia
- To report an issue with Scholars@TAMU: Scholars@TAMU Team
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