education and training
- Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley - (Berkeley, California, United States) 1993
- M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley - (Berkeley, California, United States) 1990
- B.S. in Ceramic Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology - (Rolla, Missouri, United States) 1988
selected publications
Academic Articles90
- Brand, A. S., Gorham, J. M., & Bullard, J. W. (2019). Dissolution rate spectra of beta-dicalcium silicate in water of varying activity. Cement and Concrete Research. 118, 69-83.
- Estephane, P., Garboczi, E. J., Bullard, J. W., & Wallevik, O. H. (2019). Three-dimensional shape characterization of fine sands and the influence of particle shape on the packing and workability of mortars. Cement and Concrete Composites. 97, 125-142.
- La Plante, E. C., Oey, T., Hsiao, Y., Perry, L., Bullard, J. W., & Sant, G. (2019). Enhancing Silicate Dissolution Kinetics in Hyperalkaline Environments. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123(6), 3687-3695.
- Tang, J., Bullard, J. W., Perry, L. N., Feng, P., & Liu, J. (2018). An empirical rate law for gypsum powder dissolution. Chemical Geology. 498, 96-105.
- Li, X., Grasley, Z. C., Bullard, J. W., & Feng, P. (2018). Creep and relaxation of cement paste caused by stress-induced dissolution of hydrated solid components. Journal of The American Ceramic Society. 101(9), 4237-4255.
- Terrill, J., George, W., Griffin, T., Hagedorn, J., Kelso, J., Olano, M., ... Haemer, G. (2009). Extending Measurement Science to Interactive Visualization Environments. TRENDS IN INTERACTIVE VISUALIZATION: STATE-OF-THE-ART SURVEY. 287-302. Springer Nature.
- Searcy, A. W., Bullard, J. W., & Beruto, D. (1998). Influences of Interparticle Stresses on Intermediate-Stage Densification and Grain Growth. Ceramic Microstructures. 247-254. Springer Nature.
Conference Papers7
- Bullard, J. W., & Menon, M. (1998). Morphological signatures of diffusion-controlled and interface attachment-controlled mass transport during coarsening in a two-phase system. 517-522.
- Menon, M., Warren, J. L., & Bullard, J. W. (1998). Synthesis of magnesia powders from an alkoxide precursor. Ceramic Transactions. 95, 217-223.
in the news
awards and honors
recent teaching activities
- CVEN306 Materials Engr Cven Engr Instructor
- CVEN343 Concrete Matls For Ce Instructor
- CVEN491 Hnr-research Instructor
- CVEN491 Research Instructor
- CVEN622 Properties Of Concrete Instructor
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