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Academic Articles371
  • Kim, M., Spreen, T. H., McCarl, B. A., & Fei, C. (2024). Applied Mathematical Programming for Business and Economics. World Scientific Publishing.
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  • Panchang, V., & Kaihatu, J. (2018). Advances in Coastal Hydraulics. World Scientific Publishing.
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  • Tretkoff, P. (2017). Periods and Special Functions in Transcendence. World Scientific Publishing.
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  • Holt, J. W., Kuo, T., Phua, K. K., Rho, M., & Zahed, I. (2017). Preface. World Scientific Publishing.
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  • Glass, A. J., & Saggi, K. (2023). Multinational Firms and Technology Transfer. World Scientific Studies in International Economics. Technology Transfer, Foreign Direct Investment, and the Protection of Intellectual Property in the Global Economy. (pp. 169-187). World Scientific Publishing.
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  • Glass, A. J., & Saggi, K. (2023). FDI policies under shared factor markets. World Scientific Studies in International Economics. Technology Transfer, Foreign Direct Investment, and the Protection of Intellectual Property in the Global Economy. (pp. 543-566). World Scientific Publishing.
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  • Glass, A. J., & Saggi, K. (2023). Intellectual property rights and foreign direct investment. World Scientific Studies in International Economics. Technology Transfer, Foreign Direct Investment, and the Protection of Intellectual Property in the Global Economy. (pp. 251-274). World Scientific Publishing.
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  • Glass, A. J., & Saggi, K. (2023). International technology transfer and the technology gap. World Scientific Studies in International Economics. Technology Transfer, Foreign Direct Investment, and the Protection of Intellectual Property in the Global Economy. (pp. 3-32). World Scientific Publishing.
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  • Glass, A. J., & Saggi, K. (2023). Licensing versus direct investment: implications for economic growth. World Scientific Studies in International Economics. Technology Transfer, Foreign Direct Investment, and the Protection of Intellectual Property in the Global Economy. (pp. 227-249). World Scientific Publishing.
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