Pandey, Gaurav
individual record
Associate Professor
- Associate Professor, Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution, College of Engineering
education and training
- Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering: Systems, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor - (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States) 2013
- M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering: Systems, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor - (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States) 2010
- B.T. in Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee - (Roorkee, India) 2006
selected publications
Academic Articles15
- Pandey, G., & Jaiswal, A. Coordinated and Non-Coordinated Direct-and-Relay Transmission: A Signal Space Diversity Approach. IEEE Communications Letters. 25(6), 1825-1829.
- Kumar, B., Pandey, G., Lohani, B., & Misra, S. C. A framework for automatic classification of mobile LiDAR data using multiple regions and 3D CNN architecture. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 41(14), 5588-5608.
- Agarwal, S., Vora, A., Pandey, G., Williams, W., Kourous, H., & McBride, J. Ford Multi-AV Seasonal Dataset. International Journal of Robotics Research. 39(12), 1367-1376.
- Pandey, G., McBride, J. R., & Eustice, R. M. Ford Campus vision and lidar data set. International Journal of Robotics Research. 30(13), 1543-1552.
- Malav, R., Kim, A., Sahoo, S. R., & Pandey, G. DHSGAN: An End to End Dehazing Network for Fog and Smoke. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Computer Vision ACCV 2018. 593-608. Springer Nature.
Conference Papers36
- Jha, R. R., & Pandey, G. Internal Model Based Current Control for Grid Integrated Solar Photovoltaic. 2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS). 25-30.
- Jain, U., Namboodiri, V. P., & Pandey, G. Compact Environment-Invariant Codes for Robust Visual Place Recognition. 2017 14th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV). 40-47.
- Kannapiran, S., Bendapudi, N., Yu, M., Parikh, D., Berman, S., Vora, A., & Pandey, G. Stereo Visual Odometry with Deep Learning-Based Point and Line Feature Matching Using an Attention Graph Neural Network. Proceedings of the ... IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). 00, 3491-3498.
- Pandey, G., McBride, J., Savarese, S., & Eustice, R. Automatic Targetless Extrinsic Calibration of a 3D Lidar and Camera by Maximizing Mutual Information. Proceedings of the ... AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 26(1), 2053-2059.
- Sinha, H., Patrikar, J., Dhekane, E. G., Pandey, G., & Kothari, M. Convolutional Neural Network Based Sensors for Mobile Robot Relocalization. 2018 23rd International Conference on Methods & Models in Automation & Robotics (MMAR). 00, 774-779.
- Bell, D., Houts, S., Keiser, L. V., Oh, J., & Pandey, G. (). Navigational aid for the visually impaired.
- Pandey, G., Jaipuria, N., Narayanan, P., & Chakravarty, P. (). Neural network for localization and object detection Abstract.
- Chakravarty, P., Roussel, T., Narayanan, P., & Pandey, G. (). Hybrid metric-topological camera-based localization.
awards and honors
recent teaching activities
- ENTC491 Hnr-research Instructor
- ENTC691 Research Instructor
- ENTC691 Research:in-ab Instructor
- ESET419 Engr Tech Capstone I Instructor
- ESET462 Control Systems Instructor
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