
Integrated water resources management with specific concentration on watershed management programs; evaluation of stream processes and hydraulics to foster implementation of stream restoration programming.

education and training
selected publications
Academic Articles28
  • Jaber, F. H., & Shukla, S. (2005). Hydrodynamic modeling approaches for agricultural storm water impoundments. 131(4), 307-315.
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  • Jaber, F. H., Shukla, S., Stoffella, P. J., Obreza, T. A., & Hanlon, E. A. (2005). Impact of organic amendments on groundwater nitrogen concentrations for sandy and calcareous soils. Compost Science and Utilization. 13(3), 194-202.
  • Jaber, F. H., & Shukla, S. (2004). Simulating water dynamics in agricultural stormwater impoundments for irrigation water supply. Transactions of the ASABE. 47(5), 1465-1476.
  • Jaber, F. H., & Mohtar, R. H. (2003). Stability and accuracy of two-dimensional kinematic wave overland flow modeling. Advances in Water Resources. 26(11), 1189-1198.
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  • Jaber, F. H., & Mohtar, R. H. (2002). Stability and accuracy of finite element schemes for the one-dimensional kinematic wave solution. Advances in Water Resources. 25(4), 427-438.
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Conference Papers16
  • Kant, S., Jaber, F. H., & Karthikeyan, R. (2013). Greywater treatment system modeling: An approach using simulated greywater. 6, 4403-4407.
  • Kant, S., Jaber, F. H., & Qiblawey, H. (2012). A/C condensate for water reuse: An approach towards environmental sustainability in Doha. 4, 3213-3220.
Repository Documents / Preprints1
  • Jaber, F. (2008). Stormwater Management.
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  • Wherley, B., Alvarado, J., White, R., Thomas, J., Men, J., Tate, D., Jaber, F., & Reynolds, W. (2018). Method and system for reduction of irrigation runoff.
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chaired theses and dissertations
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