Smeins, Fred individual record
Visiting Professor

Dr. Smeins' research focuses on understanding the structure and dynamics of rangeland (grassland, wetland, savannah) ecosystems as influenced by herbivory, soil, fire and weather. Factors that control the pattern and rate of plant succession and retrogression are primary objects of study. Primary production, plant competition, woody/herbaceous plant interactions, soil seed banks, species diversity patterns and endangered species are investigated. Research is conducted in tallgrass prairies, Edwards Plateau savannahs, longleaf pine savannahs and coastal marshes. He has conducted research and development work in Kenya, Somalia, Morocco, Venezuela and Italy. Over 85 technical papers, book chapters and bulletins have been published. Current research includes life history and successional studies of Ash juniper, life history studies of Olney bulrush, impact of snow geese on coastal marsh plant communities, habitat features of Golden Cheeked Warblers, influence of summer burning on Edwards Plateau rangelands and Blackland Prairie Restoration.

education and training
selected publications
Academic Articles37
  • Miller, D. L., Smeins, F. E., & Webb, J. W. (1996). Mid-Texas coastal marsh change (1939-1991) as influenced by lesser snow goose herbivory. Journal of Coastal Research: an international forum for the littoral sciences. 12(2), 462-476.
  • Smeins, F. E., Diamond, D. D., & Hanselka, C. W. (1992). Coastal prairie. 269-290.
  • Tan, S. S., & Smeins, F. E. Predicting grassland community changes with an artificial neural network model. Ecological Modelling. 84(1-3), 91-97.
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  • Nelson, F. C., Morrison, M. L., Lopez, R. R., Smeins, F. E., & Silvy, N. J. Ecology of Owens Valley vole (Microtus californicus vallicola). Western North American Naturalist. 66(4), 529-534.
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Conference Papers1
  • Wagner, M., Smeins, F., & Hays, B. (2005). Pastures for upland birds: Landowner incentive program restores native species in Bermudagrass pastures (Texas). Ecological Restoration. 23(3), 209-210.
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mailing address
TEXAS A&M AGRILIFE RESEARCH; Ecosystem Science & Management; 2126 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-2126