School of Nursing | School| Organization individual record
Research Areas:
Lesbians, Terminal care, Gerontology, Service learning, Medically uninsured persons, Human trafficking, Chronic renal failure, Religion, Primary care (Medicine), Simulation methods, Rural health, Mental health, Cervix uteri--Cancer, Allostasis, Telomere length, Gay men, Maternal health services, Nurse practitioners--Training of, Human sexuality, Sex, Nursing, Health behavior, Dementia, Disaster relief, Caregivers, Life change events, Outcome assessment (Medical care), Medically underserved areas--U.S. states, Fatigue, College students, Interprofessional education, Public health, Public health disparities, Nurse practitioners--Education, Well-being, Resilience (Personality trait), HIV infections--Prevention, Substance Addiction, Substance abuse, Health promotion, Pregnancy, Premature labor--Prevention, Intimate partner violence, Sedentary behavior in children, Nursing students, Self-care, Health, Forensic sciences, Evidence-based medicine, Youth--Health and hygiene, Health literacy, Multiple sclerosis, Opioid abuse, Public health surveillance, Positive psychology, Stress (Psychology), Nursing--Study and teaching, Indians of North America, Exercise, Vulnerable Groups Development, Women immigrants, Postpartum depression, Tobacco, Palliative treatment, Advance directives (Medical care), Health risk communication, Cancer, Obesity in children, Sexual minorities--Population, Gender transition, Mindfulness (Psychology), Child sexual abuse, Regional disparities, Social media, Research grants, Heart--Diseases, Bisexuality, Breast--Cancer, Hypertension, Gender transition--Hormone therapy, Community health nursing, Cancer--Prevention, Transgender youth, Mothers--Mortality, Diabetes, Children--Health and hygiene, Rural health services, Health services accessibility, Cancer--Patients, Colon (Anatomy)--Cancer, Chronic diseases, People with disabilities, Oncology, Nursing students--Education, Anxiety, Medically underserved areas, Transgender people, Rural conditions, Asian Americans--Health and hygiene, Emergency management, Donation of organs, tissues, etc., Child abuse