SAGE Publications Inc
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Academic Articles3
- Lewno-Dumdie, B., & Hajovsky, D. B (2020). Do Global Ability Composites Differentially Predict Academic Achievement Across Gender?. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 38(6), 706-723.
- Towne, S. D., Smith, M. L., Xu, M., Lee, S., Sharma, S., Smith, D., ... Ory, M. G. (2020). Trends in Geospatial Drivers of Fall-Related Hospitalizations and Asset Mapping of Fall Prevention Interventions for Vulnerable Older Adults. Journal of Aging and Health. 32(5-6), 328-339.
- Hajovsky, D. B., & Reynolds, M. R (2019). Prior Individual Risk Behavior Predicts Subsequent Individual and Peer Risk Behavior: A Longitudinal Examination From Fifth to Ninth Grade. Canadian Journal of School Psychology. 34(4), 283-299.