
My goal is to help organizations--commercial and humanitarian--respond to the challenges brought by conflicts and urban disasters. I study how armed conflicts affect operational performance (e.g., productivity, efficiency), and how people (e.g., aid workers, physicians, managers) respond to challenges such as unsafe work conditions, scarce resources, workplace interruptions, and higher workloads. I study how by using inventory, cash, and information sharing, organizations respond to war-related disruptions and Mass Casualty Incidents.

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selected publications
Academic Articles5
  • Jola-Sanchez, A. F. (2022). How does warfare affect firms' productivity?. Production and Operations Management. 31(5), 1940-1962.
  • Joia-Sanchez, A. F., & Serpa, J. C. (2021). Inventory in Times of War. Management science. 67(10), 6457-6479.
  • Mills, A. F., Helm, J. E., Jola-Sanchez, A. F., Tatikonda, M. V., & Courtney, B. A. (2018). Coordination of Autonomous Healthcare Entities: Emergency Response to Multiple Casualty Incidents. 27(1), 184-205.
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  • Jola-Sanchez, A. F., Pedraza-Martinez, A. J., Bretthauer, K. M., & Britto, R. A. (2016). Effect of armed conflicts on humanitarian operations: Total factor productivity and efficiency of rural hospitals. 45(1), 73-85.
  • Tatikonda, M. V., Helm, J., Mills, A., Courtney, B., & Jola-Sanchez, A. (2015). Operational Coordination of Autonomous Healthcare Services in Urban Disasters. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2015(1), 18913-18913.
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Internet Publications1
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