education and training
- Ph.D. in Political Science, Vanderbilt University - (Nashville, Tennessee, United States) 1999
- M.A. in Political Science, Vanderbilt University - (Nashville, Tennessee, United States) 1997
- B.A. in History, Hendrix College - (Conway, Arkansas, United States) 1993
selected publications
Academic Articles21
- Junqueira, A., Kagalwala, A., & Lipsmeyer, C. S. (2023). What's your problem? How issue ownership and partisan discourse influence personal concerns. Social Science Quarterly. 104(1), 25-37.
- Davis, N. T., Goidel, K., Lipsmeyer, C. S., Whitten, G. D., & Young, C. (2019). Economic Vulnerability, Cultural Decline, and Nativism: Contingent and Indirect Effects. Social Science Quarterly. 100(2), 430-446.
- Bricker, D., Lipsmeyer, C., Whitten, G., & Young, C. (2019). Immigration, Nativism, and Changing Politics: Special Issue Introduction. Social Science Quarterly. 100(2), 409-411.
- Davis, N. T., Goidel, K., Lipsmeyer, C. S., Whitten, G. D., & Young, C. (2019). The Political Consequences of Nativism: The Impact of Nativist Sentiment on Party Support. Social Science Quarterly. 100(2), 466-479.
- Compton, M. E., & Lipsmeyer, C. S. (2019). Everybody Hurts Sometimes: How Personal and Collective Insecurities Shape Policy Preferences. Journal of Politics. 81(2), 539-551.
Conference Papers1
- Lipsmeyer, C. S., Philips, A. Q., Rutherford, A., & Whitten, G. D. (2019). Comparing Dynamic Pies: A Strategy for Modeling Compositional Variables in Time and Space. Political Science Research and Methods. 7(3), 523-540.
recent teaching activities
- POLS206 Amer Natnl Govt Instructor
- POLS612 Seminar Political Institutions Instructor
- POLS621 Thry & Method In Cmp Pol Instructor
- POLS623 Sem Crossnational Top Instructor
- POLS628 Comparative Public Policy Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations
- Compton, Mallory Elise (2016-07). The Political Economy of Unemployment Insurance. (Doctoral Dissertation)
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Last Name
mailing address
Texas A&M University; Political Science; 4348 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-4348