American Society For Horticultural Science
individual record
publisher of
Academic Articles361
- Dash, P. K., Guo, B., & Leskovar, D. I. (2023). Optimizing Hydroponic Management Practices for Organically Grown Greenhouse Tomato under Abiotic Stress Conditions. Hortscience. 58(10), 1129-1138.
- Crosby, K. M., Marquez, S. A., Jifon, J. L., Leskovar, D. I., Isakeit, T., Singh, J., & Patil, B. S. (2023). 'Supermelon' and 'Flavorific': Two New Hybrid Muskmelon Cultivars with Resistance to Monosporascus cannonballus from Texas A&M AgriLife Research. 58(7), 804-807.
- Knuth, M. J., Behe, B. K., Rihn, A., & Hall, C. R. (2023). Effects of Benefits Messaging on Consumer Purchasing of Plants. Hortscience. 58(5), 481-+.
- Hopkins, K. A., Arnold, M. A., Hall, C. R., Pemberton, H. B., & Palma, M. A. (2022). Seed Propagation Methods for Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Wooton & Standl.. Hortscience. 57(7), 836-840.
- Hopkins, K. A., Arnold, M. A., Hall, C. R., Pemberton, B., & Palma, M. A. (2022). Vegetative Propagation of Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Wooton & Standl.. Hortscience. 57(7), 831-835.
- Zahid, A., Mahmud, M. S., He, L., Schupp, J., Choi, D., & Heinemann, P. (2022). An Apple Tree Branch Pruning Analysis. Horttechnology. 32(2), 90-98.
- Othman, Y. A., & Leskovar, D. I. (2022). Degradable Mulch as an Alternative to Polyethylene for Watermelon Production. Horttechnology. 32(2), 226-233.
- Hopkins, K. A., Hall, C. R., Arnold, M. A., Knuth, M., Pemberton, B., & Palma, M. A. (2022). Consumer Preferences of Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Wooton & Standl. Floral Characteristics. Hortscience. 57(3), 431-440.
- Scheiner, J., Stein, L., Clark, J. R., Moore, J. N., Worthington, M., & Kamas, J. (2022). 'Southern Sensation Seedless' Grape. Hortscience. 57(2), 345-348.
- Hillin, D., Helwi, P., & Scheiner, J. J. (2021). Comparison of Salt Exclusion in Muscadine and Interspecific Hybrid Grapes Using a Greenhouse Screening Procedure. Horttechnology. 31(6), 771-+.
- Hejl, R. W., Wherley, B. G., & Fontanier, C. H. (2021). Long-term Performance of Warm-season Turfgrass Species under Municipal Irrigation Frequency Restrictions. Hortscience. 56(10), 1221-1225.
- Henry, G., Grubbs, R., Straw, C., Tucker, K., & Hoyle, J. (2021). Response of Hybrid Bermudagrass and Manilagrass to Soil Moisture Using Water-table Depth Gradient Tanks. Hortscience. 56(9), 1034-1040.
- Chen, J., Zhen, S., & Sun, Y. (2021). Estimating Leaf Chlorophyll Content of Buffaloberry Using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Sensors. 31(3), 297-303.
- Wu, X. J., Knuth, M. J., Hall, C. R., & Palma, M. A. (2021). Increasing Profit Margins by Substituting Species in Floral Arrangements. 31(1), 19-26.
- Hooks, T., Niu, G., Masabni, J., Sun, Y., & Ganjegunte, G. (2021). Performance and Phytochemical Content of 22 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Varieties. Hortscience. 56(2), 217-225.
- Hartmann, T. P., Scheiner, J. J., Stein, L. A., King, A. R., & Feagely, S. E. (2021). Young Field-grown Kiwifruit Plants' Response to Early Autumn Frost Injury in Texas. Horttechnology. 31(1), 125-135.
- Campbell, D., Sarkhosh, A., Brecht, J. K., Gillett-Kaufman, J. L., Liburd, O., Melgar, J. C., & Treadwell, D. (2021). Bagging Organic Peaches Reduces Physical Injuries and Storage Decay with Minimal Effects on Fruit Quality. Hortscience. 56(1), 52-58.
- Rawandoozi, Z., Hartmann, T., Byrne, D., & Carpenedo, S. (2021). Heritability, Correlation, and Genotype by Environment Interaction of Phenological and Fruit Quality Traits in Peach. 146(1), 56-+.
- Rho, H., Colaizzi, P., Gray, J., Paetzold, L. i., Xue, Q., Patil, B., & Rush, C. (2020). Yields, Fruit Quality, and Water Use in a Jalapeno Pepper and Tomatoes under Open Field and High-tunnel Production Systems in the Texas High Plains. 55(10), 1632-1641.
- Solo, K. M., Collins, S. B., Shires, M. K., Ochoa, R., Bauchan, G. R., Schneider, L. G., ... Windham, M. T. (2020). A Survey of Rose rosette virus and Eriophyid Mites Associated with Roses in the Southeastern United States. 55(8), 1288-1294.
- Vafaie, E. K., Pemberton, H. B., Gu, M., Kerns, D., Eubanks, M. D., & Heinz, K. M. (2020). Whitefly Abundance on Rooted Poinsettia Cuttings and Finished Poinsettias. Horttechnology. 30(4), 486-491.
- Chang, B., Wherley, B., Aitkenhead-Peterson, J., Ojeda, N., Fontanier, C., & Dwyer, P. (2020). Effect of Wetting Agent on Nutrient and Water Retention and Runoff from Simulated Urban Lawns. Hortscience. 55(7), 1005-1013.
- Qin, K., & Leskovar, D. I. (2020). Assessments of Humic Substances Application and Deficit Irrigation in Triploid Watermelon. Hortscience. 55(5), 716-721.
- Sharma, S. P., Leskovar, D. I., Crosby, K. M., & Ibrahim, A. (2020). GGE Biplot Analysis of Genotype-by-environment Interactions for Melon Fruit Yield and Quality Traits. Hortscience. 55(4), 533-542.
- Liu, Q., Sun, Y., Altland, J., & Niu, G. (2020). Morphological and Physiological Responses of Cornus alba to Salt and Drought Stresses under Greenhouse Conditions. Hortscience. 55(2), 224-230.