American Society For Horticultural Science
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Academic Articles361
- Dash, P. K., Guo, B., & Leskovar, D. I. (2023). Optimizing Hydroponic Management Practices for Organically Grown Greenhouse Tomato under Abiotic Stress Conditions. Hortscience. 58(10), 1129-1138.
- Crosby, K. M., Marquez, S. A., Jifon, J. L., Leskovar, D. I., Isakeit, T., Singh, J., & Patil, B. S. (2023). 'Supermelon' and 'Flavorific': Two New Hybrid Muskmelon Cultivars with Resistance to Monosporascus cannonballus from Texas A&M AgriLife Research. 58(7), 804-807.
- Knuth, M. J., Behe, B. K., Rihn, A., & Hall, C. R. (2023). Effects of Benefits Messaging on Consumer Purchasing of Plants. Hortscience. 58(5), 481-+.
- Hopkins, K. A., Arnold, M. A., Hall, C. R., Pemberton, H. B., & Palma, M. A. (2022). Seed Propagation Methods for Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Wooton & Standl.. Hortscience. 57(7), 836-840.
- Hopkins, K. A., Arnold, M. A., Hall, C. R., Pemberton, B., & Palma, M. A. (2022). Vegetative Propagation of Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Wooton & Standl.. Hortscience. 57(7), 831-835.
- Zahid, A., Mahmud, M. S., He, L., Schupp, J., Choi, D., & Heinemann, P. (2022). An Apple Tree Branch Pruning Analysis. Horttechnology. 32(2), 90-98.
- Othman, Y. A., & Leskovar, D. I. (2022). Degradable Mulch as an Alternative to Polyethylene for Watermelon Production. Horttechnology. 32(2), 226-233.
- Hopkins, K. A., Hall, C. R., Arnold, M. A., Knuth, M., Pemberton, B., & Palma, M. A. (2022). Consumer Preferences of Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Wooton & Standl. Floral Characteristics. Hortscience. 57(3), 431-440.
- Scheiner, J., Stein, L., Clark, J. R., Moore, J. N., Worthington, M., & Kamas, J. (2022). 'Southern Sensation Seedless' Grape. Hortscience. 57(2), 345-348.
- Hillin, D., Helwi, P., & Scheiner, J. J. (2021). Comparison of Salt Exclusion in Muscadine and Interspecific Hybrid Grapes Using a Greenhouse Screening Procedure. Horttechnology. 31(6), 771-+.
- Hejl, R. W., Wherley, B. G., & Fontanier, C. H. (2021). Long-term Performance of Warm-season Turfgrass Species under Municipal Irrigation Frequency Restrictions. Hortscience. 56(10), 1221-1225.
- Henry, G., Grubbs, R., Straw, C., Tucker, K., & Hoyle, J. (2021). Response of Hybrid Bermudagrass and Manilagrass to Soil Moisture Using Water-table Depth Gradient Tanks. Hortscience. 56(9), 1034-1040.
- Chen, J., Zhen, S., & Sun, Y. (2021). Estimating Leaf Chlorophyll Content of Buffaloberry Using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Sensors. 31(3), 297-303.
- Wu, X. J., Knuth, M. J., Hall, C. R., & Palma, M. A. (2021). Increasing Profit Margins by Substituting Species in Floral Arrangements. 31(1), 19-26.
- Hooks, T., Niu, G., Masabni, J., Sun, Y., & Ganjegunte, G. (2021). Performance and Phytochemical Content of 22 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Varieties. Hortscience. 56(2), 217-225.
- Hartmann, T. P., Scheiner, J. J., Stein, L. A., King, A. R., & Feagely, S. E. (2021). Young Field-grown Kiwifruit Plants' Response to Early Autumn Frost Injury in Texas. Horttechnology. 31(1), 125-135.
- Campbell, D., Sarkhosh, A., Brecht, J. K., Gillett-Kaufman, J. L., Liburd, O., Melgar, J. C., & Treadwell, D. (2021). Bagging Organic Peaches Reduces Physical Injuries and Storage Decay with Minimal Effects on Fruit Quality. Hortscience. 56(1), 52-58.
- Rawandoozi, Z., Hartmann, T., Byrne, D., & Carpenedo, S. (2021). Heritability, Correlation, and Genotype by Environment Interaction of Phenological and Fruit Quality Traits in Peach. 146(1), 56-+.
- Rho, H., Colaizzi, P., Gray, J., Paetzold, L. i., Xue, Q., Patil, B., & Rush, C. (2020). Yields, Fruit Quality, and Water Use in a Jalapeno Pepper and Tomatoes under Open Field and High-tunnel Production Systems in the Texas High Plains. 55(10), 1632-1641.
- Solo, K. M., Collins, S. B., Shires, M. K., Ochoa, R., Bauchan, G. R., Schneider, L. G., ... Windham, M. T. (2020). A Survey of Rose rosette virus and Eriophyid Mites Associated with Roses in the Southeastern United States. 55(8), 1288-1294.
- Vafaie, E. K., Pemberton, H. B., Gu, M., Kerns, D., Eubanks, M. D., & Heinz, K. M. (2020). Whitefly Abundance on Rooted Poinsettia Cuttings and Finished Poinsettias. Horttechnology. 30(4), 486-491.
- Chang, B., Wherley, B., Aitkenhead-Peterson, J., Ojeda, N., Fontanier, C., & Dwyer, P. (2020). Effect of Wetting Agent on Nutrient and Water Retention and Runoff from Simulated Urban Lawns. Hortscience. 55(7), 1005-1013.
- Qin, K., & Leskovar, D. I. (2020). Assessments of Humic Substances Application and Deficit Irrigation in Triploid Watermelon. Hortscience. 55(5), 716-721.
- Sharma, S. P., Leskovar, D. I., Crosby, K. M., & Ibrahim, A. (2020). GGE Biplot Analysis of Genotype-by-environment Interactions for Melon Fruit Yield and Quality Traits. Hortscience. 55(4), 533-542.
- Liu, Q., Sun, Y., Altland, J., & Niu, G. (2020). Morphological and Physiological Responses of Cornus alba to Salt and Drought Stresses under Greenhouse Conditions. Hortscience. 55(2), 224-230.
- Montoya, J., Arnold, M. A., Rangel, J., Stein, L. R., & Palma, M. A. (2020). Pollinator-attracting Companion Plantings Increase Crop Yield of Cucumbers and Habanero Peppers. Hortscience. 55(2), 164-169.
- Culpepper, T., Young, J., Montague, D. T., Sullivan, D., & Wherley, B. (2019). Physiological Responses in C-3 and C-4 Turfgrasses under Soil Water Deficit. Hortscience. 54(12), 2249-2256.
- Knight, J., Ingram, D. L., & Hall, C. R. (2019). Understanding Irrigation Water Applied, Consumptive Water Use, and Water Footprint Using Case Studies for Container Nursery Production and Greenhouse Crops. Horttechnology. 29(6), 693-699.
- Xie, L., Klein, P., Crosby, K., & Jifon, J. (2019). A Genotyping-by-sequencing Single Nucleotide Polymorphism-based Map and Genetic Analysis of Root Traits in an Interspecific Tomato Population. 144(6), 394-+.
- Wu, X., Liang, S., & Byrne, D. H. (2019). Architectural Components of Compact Growth Habits in Diploid Roses. Horttechnology. 29(5), 629-633.
- Knuth, M., Behe, B. K., Hall, C. R., Huddleston, P. T., & Fernandez, R. T. (2019). Sit Back or Dig In: The Role of Activity Level in Landscape Market Segmentation. Hortscience. 54(10), 1818-1823.
- Chavarria, M., Wherley, B., Thomas, J., Chandra, A., & Raymer, P. (2019). Salinity Tolerance and Recovery Attributes of Warm-season Turfgrass Cultivars. Hortscience. 54(9), 1625-1631.
- Li, Z. e., Shi, K., Zhang, F., Zhang, L., Long, H., Zeng, Y., ... Tan, X. (2019). Growth, Physiological, and Biochemical Responses of Tung Tree (Vernicia fordii) Seedlings to Different Light Intensities. Hortscience. 54(8), 1361-1369.
- Wu, X., Liang, S., & Byrne, D. H. (2019). Heritability of Plant Architecture in Diploid Roses (Rosa spp.). Hortscience. 54(2), 236-239.
- Ingram, D. L., Hall, C. R., & Knight, J. (2019). Modeling Container-grown Euphorbia pulcherrima Production System Components: Impacts on Carbon Footprint and Variable Costs Using a Life Cycle Assessment. Hortscience. 54(2), 262-266.
- Samtani, J. B., Rom, C. R., Friedrich, H., Fennimore, S. A., Finn, C. E., Petran, A., ... Bergefurd, B. (2019). The Status and Future of the Strawberry Industry in the United States. Horttechnology. 29(1), 11-24.
- Ingram, D. L., Hall, C. R., & Knight, J. (2019). Understanding Carbon Footprint in Production and Use of Landscape Plants. Horttechnology. 29(1), 6-10.
- Guo, Y., Starman, T., & Hall, C. (2019). Growth, Quality, and Economic Value Responses of Bedding Plants to Reduced Water Usage. Hortscience. 54(5), 856-864.
- Macias-Leon, M. A., & Leskovar, D. I. (2019). Containerized Onion Transplants: A Management System to Enhance Growth, Yield, and Quality. Hortscience. 54(1), 60-69.
- Leskovar, D., & Othman, Y. A. (2019). Nitrogen Management for Improving Root and Shoot Components of Young Arbequina Olives. Hortscience. 54(1), 175-180.
- Djidonou, D., & Leskovar, D. I. (2019). Seasonal Changes in Growth, Nitrogen Nutrition, and Yield of Hydroponic Lettuce. Hortscience. 54(1), 76-85.
- Heinz, K. M., Harding, P. A., Julissa Ek-Ramos, M., Hernandez, H., Krauter, P. C., & Sword, G. A. (2018). Fungal Endophytes in Knock Out (R) Rose and Performance Effects of Entomopathogens on Marigold and Zinnia. Hortscience. 53(12), 1791-1798.
- Schwartz, B. M., Hanna, W. W., Baxter, L. L., Raymer, P. L., Waltz, F. C., Kowalewski, A. R., ... Munoz, P. R. (2018). 'DT-1', a Drought-tolerant Triploid Turf Bermudagrass. Hortscience. 53(11), 1711-1714.
- Xiong, H., Sun, H. e., Zou, F., Fan, X., Niu, G., & Yuan, D. (2018). Micropropagation of Chinquapin (Castanea henryi) Using Axillary Shoots and Cotyledonary Nodes. 53(10), 1482-1486.
- Sun, Y., Niu, G., Masabni, J. G., & Ganjegunte, G. (2018). Relative Salt Tolerance of 22 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Cultivars. 53(10), 1513-1519.
- Ingram, D. L., Hall, C. R., & Knight, J. (2018). Analysis of Production System Components of Container-grown Chrysanthemum for Their Impact on Carbon Footprint and Variable Costs Using Life Cycle Assessment. Hortscience. 53(8), 1139-1142.
- Byrne, D. H., Klein, P., Yan, M., Young, E., Lau, J., Ong, K., ... Novick, D. (2018). Challenges of Breeding Rose Rosette-resistant Roses. Hortscience. 53(5), 604-608.
- Ong, K., Shires, M., Whitaker, H. J., Olson, J., LaForest, J., & Byrne, D. H. (2018). Combatting Rose Rosette Disease with Volunteer Involvement in the Monitoring Effort. Hortscience. 53(5), 601-603.
- Pemberton, H. B., Ong, K., Windham, M., Olson, J., & Byrne, D. H. (2018). What is Rose Rosette Disease?. Hortscience. 53(5), 592-595.
- Alexander, L. W., Witcher, A., & Arnold, M. A. (2018). 'Sunglow' American Witchhazel. Hortscience. 53(4), 575-577.
- Ingram, D. L., Hall, C. R., & Knight, J. (2018). Global Warming Potential, Variable Costs, and Water Use of a Model Greenhouse Production System for 11.4-cm Annual Plants Using Life Cycle Assessment. Hortscience. 53(4), 441-444.
- Franco, J. G., King, S. R., Masabni, J. G., & Volder, A. (2018). Intercropped Watermelon for Weed Suppression in a Low-input Organic System. Horttechnology. 28(2), 172-181.
- Sun, Y., Niu, G., Perez, C., Pemberton, H. B., & Altland, J. (2018). Responses of Marigold Cultivars to Saline Water Irrigation. Horttechnology. 28(2), 166-171.
- Dou, H., Niu, G., Gu, M., & Masabni, J. G. (2018). Responses of Sweet Basil to Different Daily Light Integrals in Photosynthesis, Morphology, Yield, and Nutritional Quality. Hortscience. 53(4), 496-503.
- Knuth, M., Behe, B. K., Hall, C. R., Huddleston, P., & Fernandez, R. T. (2018). Consumer Perceptions of Landscape Plant Production Water Sources and Uses in the Landscape during Perceived and Real Drought. Horttechnology. 28(1), 85-93.
- Chung, C., Boyer, T. A., Palma, M., & Ghimire, M. (2018). Economic Impact of Drought- and Shade-tolerant Bermudagrass Varieties. Horttechnology. 28(1), 66-73.
- Cabrera, R. I., Altland, J. E., & Niu, G. (2018). Assessing the Potential of Nontraditional Water Sources for Landscape Irrigation. Horttechnology. 28(4), 436-444.
- Behe, B. K., Knuth, M., Hall, C. R., Huddleston, P. T., & Fernandez, R. T. (2018). Consumer Involvement with and Expertise in Water Conservation and Plants Affect Landscape Plant Purchases, Importance, and Enjoyment. Hortscience. 53(8), 1164-1171.
- Waliczek, T. M., Byrne, D., & Holeman, D. (2018). Opinions of Landscape Roses Available for Purchase and Preferences for the Future Market. Horttechnology. 28(6), 807-814.
- Guo, Y., Starman, T., & Hall, C. (2018). Reducing Substrate Moisture Content (SMC) during Greenhouse Production and Postproduction of Angelonia and Heliotrope Improves Crop Quality and Economic Value. Hortscience. 53(7), 1006-1011.
- Guo, Y., Starman, T., & Hall, C. (2018). Reducing Substrate Moisture Content during Greenhouse Production of Poinsettia Improves Postproduction Quality and Economic Value. Hortscience. 53(11), 1618-1628.
- Knuth, M., Behe, B. K., Hall, C. R., Huddleston, P. T., & Fernandez, R. T. (2018). Consumer Perceptions, Attitudes, and Purchase Behavior with Landscape Plants during Real and Perceived Drought Periods. Hortscience. 53(1), 49-54.
- Liu, Q., Sun, Y., Niu, G., Altland, J., Chen, L., & Jiang, L. (2017). Morphological and Physiological Responses of Ten Ornamental Taxa to Saline Water Irrigation. Hortscience. 52(12), 1816-1822.
- Macias-Leon, M. A., & Leskovar, D. I. (2017). Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Germination and Root Traits of 'Lambada' and 'Don Victor' Onion Cultivars. Hortscience. 52(12), 1759-1764.
- Chen, L., Sun, Y., Niu, G., Liu, Q., & Altland, J. (2017). Relative Salt Tolerance of Eight Japanese Barberry Cultivars. Hortscience. 52(12), 1810-1815.
- Huang, L., Yuan, J., Wang, H., Tan, X., & Niu, G. (2017). Aluminum Stress Affects Growth and Physiological Characteristics in Oil Tea. Hortscience. 52(11), 1601-1607.
- Ingram, D. L., Hall, C. R., & Knight, J. (2017). Modeling Global Warming Potential, Variable Costs, and Water Use of Young Plant Production System Components Using Life Cycle Assessment. Hortscience. 52(10), 1356-1361.
- Zlesak, D. C., Nelson, R., Harp, D., Villarreal, B., Howell, N., Griffin, J., Hammond, G., & George, S. (2017). Performance of Landscape Roses Grown with Minimal Input in the North-central, Central, and South-central United States. Horttechnology. 27(5), 718-+.
- Meyer, M. H., Fair, B., Klett, J. E., Moore, K., Pemberton, H. B., Perry, L., ... Taylor, M. D. (2017). Switchgrass and Little Bluestem Cultivars Show Performance Variation Across Eight States in National Grass Trials. Horttechnology. 27(5), 731-738.
- Davis, T. D., Bost, E. M., & Byce, C. N. (2017). Emerging Horticultural Research and Education Opportunities in Myanmar. Hortscience. 52(9), 1141-1144.
- Yuan, J., Huang, L., Zhou, N., Wang, H., & Niu, G. (2017). Fractionation of Inorganic Phosphorus and Aluminum in Red Acidic Soil and the Growth of Camellia oleifera. 52(9), 1293-1297.
- Liang, S., Wu, X., & Byrne, D. (2017). Genetic Analysis of Flower Size and Production in Diploid Rose. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 142(4), 306-313.
- Liang, S., Wu, X., & Byrne, D. (2017). Flower-size Heritability and Floral Heat-shock Tolerance in Diploid Roses. Hortscience. 52(5), 682-685.
- Behe, B. K., Huddleston, P. T., Hall, C. R., Khachatryan, H., & Campbell, B. (2017). Do Real and Fictitious Plant Brands Differ in Brand Recognition, Awareness, Purchase Intention, and Visual Activity?. Hortscience. 52(4), 612-621.
- Agehara, S., & Leskovar, D. I. (2017). Growth Suppression by Exogenous Abscisic Acid and Uniconazole for Prolonged Marketability of Tomato Transplants in Commercial Conditions. Hortscience. 52(4), 606-611.
- Arnold, M. A., Meyer, M. H., Rhodus, T., & Barton, S. S. (2017). HortIMTM: An Online Peer Review System for Horticultural Teaching and Extension Instructional Materials. Horttechnology. 27(2), 138-143.
- Ingram, D. L., Hall, C. R., & Knight, J. (2017). Comparison of Three Production Scenarios for Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Green Beauty' Marketed in a No. 3 Container on the West Coast Using Life Cycle Assessment. Hortscience. 52(3), 357-365.
- Wang, X. i., Niu, G., Gu, M., Baumann, P. A., & Masabni, J. (2017). Response of Vegetable Seedling Emergence to Mustard (Sinapis alba 'IdaGold' and Brassica juncea 'Pacific Gold') Seed Meal. 52(3), 371-376.
- Dong, Q., Wang, X., Byrne, D. H., & Ong, K. (2017). Characterization of Partial Resistance to Black Spot Disease of Rosa sp.. Hortscience. 52(1), 49-53.
- Garcia-Castro, A., Volder, A., Restrepo-Diaz, H., Starman, T. W., & Lombardini, L. (2017). Evaluation of Different Drought Stress Regimens on Growth, Leaf Gas Exchange Properties, and Carboxylation Activity in Purple Passionflower Plants. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 142(1), 57-64.
- Straw, C. M., Grubbs, R. A., Tucker, K. A., & Henry, G. M. (2016). Handheld versus Mobile Data Acquisitions for Spatial Analysis of Natural Turfgrass Sports Fields. Hortscience. 51(9), 1176-1183.
- Ingram, D. L., Hall, C. R., & Knight, J. (2016). Carbon Footprint and Variable Costs of Production Components for a Container-grown Evergreen Shrub Using Life Cycle Assessment: An East Coast US Model. Hortscience. 51(8), 989-994.
- Cooper, T., Beck, L. L., Straw, C. M., & Henry, G. M. (2016). Efficacy of Metamifop for the Control of Common Bermudagrass. Horttechnology. 26(4), 394-398.
- Zhao, S., Yue, C., Meyer, M. H., & Hall, C. R. (2016). Factors Affecting US Consumer Expenditures of Fresh Flowers and Potted Plants. Horttechnology. 26(4), 484-492.
- Hargey, D., Wherley, B., Reynolds, C., White, R., & Parker, G. (2016). Performance of Winter Overseeded and Colorant-treated 'Tifway' Bermudagrass Receiving Weekly Irrigation and Simulated Traffic. Hortscience. 51(5), 580-587.
- Ingram, D. L., & Hall, C. R. (2016). Comparison of Carbon Footprint and Variable Costs of Selected Nursery Production Systems for a 5-cm-caliper Red Maple. Hortscience. 51(4), 383-387.
- Hargey, D., Wherley, B., Malis, A., Thomas, J., & Chandra, A. (2016). Effects of Mowing and Trinexapac-Ethyl on St. Augustinegrass Sod Establishment during a Simulated Water Variance Period. Horttechnology. 26(1), 54-62.
- Hodges, A. W., Hall, C. R., Palma, M. A., & Khachatryan, H. (2015). Economic Contributions of the Green Industry in the United States in 2013. Horttechnology. 25(6), 805-814.
- Crosby, K. M., Leskovar, D., Jifon, J. L., & Masabni, J. (2015). 'Pacal' Orange Casaba: A Multi-disease Resistant, Specialty Melon Cultivar from Texas A&M AgriLife Research. Hortscience. 50(11), 1723-1725.
- Byrne, D. H., & Anderson, N. (2015). 'Smooth Zest One' and 'Smooth Zest Two', Low Chill Nectarines for the Home Garden. Hortscience. 50(11), 1729-1730.
- Sun, Y., Niu, G., & Perez, C. (2015). Relative Salt Tolerance of Seven Texas Superstar Perennials. 50(10), 1562-1566.
- Meeks, M., Chandra, A., & Wherley, B. G. (2015). Growth Responses of Hybrid Bluegrass and Tall Fescue as Influenced by Light Intensity and Trinexapac-ethyl. 50(8), 1241-1247.
- Hejl, R. W., Wherley, B. G., Thomas, J. C., & White, R. H. (2015). Irrigation Water Quality and. Trmexapac-ethyl Effects on Bermudagrass Response to eficit Irrigation. Hortscience. 50(7), 1081-1087.
- Sun, Y., Bi, G., Niu, G., & Perez, C. (2015). Foliar Application of Dikegulac Sodium Increases Branching of 'Merritt's Supreme' Bigleaf Hydrangea. Horttechnology. 25(3), 306-312.
- Cochran, K. A., & Rothrock, C. S. (2015). Brassica Green Manure Amendments for Management of Rhizoctonia solani in Two Annual Ornamental Crops in the Field. Hortscience. 50(4), 555-558.
- Hall, C. R., & Ingram, D. L. (2015). Carbon Footprint and Production Costs Associated with Varying the Intensity of Production Practices During Field-grown Shrub Production. Hortscience. 50(3), 402-407.
- Jacobson, A. B., Starman, T. W., & Lombardini, L. (2015). Substrate Moisture Content Effects on Growth and Shelf Life of Angelonia angustifolia. Hortscience. 50(2), 272-278.
- Ingram, D. L., & Hall, C. R. (2015). Life Cycle Assessment Used to Determine Potential Midpoint Environment Impact Factors and Water Footprint of Field-grown Tree Production Inputs and Processes. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 140(1), 102-107.
- Byrne, D. H., & Anderson, N. (2014). 'Smooth Delight One' and 'Smooth Delight Two', Medium-chill Subacid Nactarines. 49(12), 1593-1594.
- Behe, B. K., Campbell, B. L., Khachatryan, H., Hall, C. R., Dennis, J. H., Huddleston, P. T., & Fernandez, R. T. (2014). Incorporating Eye Tracking Technology and Conjoint Analysis to Better Understand the Green Industry. Consumer. Hortscience. 49(12), 1550-1557.