Scholarly Works
- A model of phase stability, microstructure and properties during leaching of portland cement binders Academic ArticlePublication Date: 2014TAMU Faculty Authors (Claimed):
- A multiscale microstructure model of cement paste sulfate attack by crystallization pressure Academic ArticlePublication Date: 2017TAMU Faculty Authors (Claimed):
- Computing the time evolution of the apparent viscoelastic/viscoplastic Poisson's ratio of hydrating cement paste Academic ArticlePublication Date: 2015
- Irreversible desiccation shrinkage of cement paste caused by cement grain dissolution and hydrate precipitation Academic ArticlePublication Date: 2017
- Publication Date: 2015TAMU Faculty Authors (Claimed):
- Simulation of the Influence of Intrinsic C-S-H Aging on Time-Dependent Relaxation of Hydrating Cement Paste. Academic ArticlePublication Date: 2017