- Q -SWITCHED LASER WITH CONTROLLABLE PULSE LENGTH Academic ArticlePublication Date: 1971TAMU Faculty Authors (Claimed):
- Q value of the superallowed decay of 46V and its influence on Vud and the unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. Academic ArticlePublication Date: 2005TAMU Faculty Authors (Claimed):
- Q value of the superallowed decay of Mg-22 and the calibration of the Na-21(p,gamma) experiment Academic ArticlePublication Date: 2004TAMU Faculty Authors (Claimed):
- Q values of the superallowed beta emitters 26Alm, 42Sc, and 46V and their impact on Vud and the unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. Academic ArticlePublication Date: 2006TAMU Faculty Authors (Claimed):
- Publication Date: August 14, 2015
- Q(EC) value of the superallowed beta emitter Sc-42 Academic ArticlePublication Date: 2017TAMU Faculty Authors (Claimed):
- Publication Date: 2011TAMU Faculty Authors (Claimed):
- Publication Date: 2019TAMU Faculty Authors (Claimed):
- Q-Learning Based Two-Timescale Power Allocation for Multi-Homing Hybrid RF/VLC Networks Academic ArticlePublication Date: 2020TAMU Faculty Authors (Claimed):
- Q-Markov Covariance equivalent realizations for unstable and marginally stable systems Academic ArticlePublication Date: 2023TAMU Faculty Authors (Claimed):